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Édouard "Templar" Couteau contains mature content that may include coarse language, sexual references, and/or graphic violent images which may be disturbing to some. Mature articles are recommended for those who are 18 years of age and older.

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I am Death, and this is all I will ever be.
~ Templar to Sophia.
It is not you they are after, It's me they want.
~ Templar to Stitch, Wraith and Templar's Shadow.

Édouard Couteau also known as Templar is the major antagonist, deuteragonist turned protagonist in the 2019 video game of Call of Duty: Mobile and its comics. He is a Knight who formerly worked with The Five Knights and The Dark Covenant to stop The UAC and its allies and later defected to The UAC, LST and The Phantom Corps to stop The Five Knights, The Fifth Knight, The Dark Covenant, The Atlas Corporation and The Tontine by protecting his daughter Sophia Couteau.


Not much is always known about Temple besides he always works with The UAC and The French Army before his initial membership in The Five Knights and The Dark Covenant and served with Cecilia Perrin and developed a relationship and fathered a child named Sophia.

He is seen putting on his helmet and armor and throws a few knives with a great accuracy at a picture of Mara, Soap, Price, Ghost and Tank by hitting the picture. Later on, in Alcatraz, Templar appears and grabs Soap by the neck by saying "Captain Price, How nice to see you again." At the same time, Templar wounds Soap with a throwing knife and briefly enters a standoff with Captain Price before escaping in a chopper. In The Soviet Facility, Siberia, Templar appears, blowing Ghost's snowmobile in front of Ghost and a still alive Makarov, Ghost tells Makarov to run and fires at Templar. Unfortunately, the bullets cannot penetrate his armor and he mocks Ghost that he should have brought bigger bullets. Templar then throws his knives at Ghost's P90, rendering it unusable. When Ghost attempts to him with the gun, Templar blocks and breaks it. Ghost then asks who he is, to which Templar gives a short introduction and stabs Ghost with a throwing knife, before executing him by performing Coup De Grace. He then comments that he expected a more equal individual rather than just a "Ghost", then takes Ghost's mask as a souvenir, saying "That's one less loose end".

In an unknown building, Charly informs Alex and Mara that Templar helped Raul Menendez by eliminating her teammates and let Menendez escape. Charly, having been only wounded with the knife, figured that Templar wanted her to die slow. Elsewhere, Templar reported The Fifth Knight, and The Fifth Knight reminded Templar of his failure to locate Makarov. Templar replied that no one will ever know of The Fifth Knight, and that Makarov would be found, The Fifth Knight agrees with him and claimed that Makarov is no longer a priority. He then told Templar that he has a new mission for him, and Templar accepts. Menendez is interrogated and transferred into a prison by Captain Price and General Shepherd. Menendez tells the two that Hidora Kai returned to Tokyo to attempt to rebuild The Five Knights, and Templar had been dispatched to Texas desert hideout, to find out what Ghost had missed out on.

Back In Texas, Captain Price, Mace, Rosa and Charly with the Spec Ops Soldiers enter The Texas Facility and also Templar apparently set up a trap for the rest of The UAC Operators who have come to find him. He easily kills the Spec Ops Soldiers accompanying them and engages Price, Mace, Charly and Rosa. He is not alone, However, as his consort, Dame busts through a hidden trapdoor on the ceiling and disarms Charly and Rose of their weapons. After Templar takes away Mace's Machine Gun and throws a knife to Mace's hand just as he did to Ghost, Templar claims to Mace that he was disappointed that Mace betrayed The Five Knights and he is working with The UAC after capturing Menendez, Templar and Dame are able to defeat their foes and soon have them in binds. Templar and Dame check on Captain Price's team and interrogated them. Soon after, Gabriel Rorke appears and meets Captain Price's Team and also knew Mace was working on the winning side with The UAC. Rorke tells The Five Knight that everything's in position. Back in Texas, Price says he's tired of The Five Knights, and mocks Rorke for being a puppet. Rorke replies that as long as there is a cash flow, he doesn't mind being one. Mace manages to break the pipe he was cuffed to, and attacks Rorke with it. Rosa also breaks out of her cuff, but before she can do anything, Rorke tackles Mace and throws him onto her. Having had enough toying with them, Rorke draws his gun to Captain Price's head and demands to know where Adler's location, But the latter reveals at the facility's entrance. Rorke mocks hm for coming to him so soon and for only bringing backup. But then Adler says that he's bought an old friend. The old friend revealed to be Ghost, still alive and accompanied by The Ghosts and Riley. His arrival shocks everyone present, including Templar, as he says his famous line, "You can't kill a Ghost". Ghost tells Templar that he has a score to settle, as Templar agrees and throws a knife at him, but he catches it and swivels it around his wrist before he throws it back, hitting Rorke in the arm. Ghost then orders his fellow Ghosts to secure Rorke and the facility while he deals with Templar. Rorke, deciding to exfil, tells Dame to accompany him to an underground bunker where he intends to exfil via helicopter, all while unaware that Adler is in the bunker waiting for them. In the meantime, Ghost and Templar engage in a vicious duel, while Rosa sets about freeing Price, Charly and Mace. Mace then joins the battle against Templar, blindsiding as he knocks over Ghost. During their duel, Ghost mentions about The Dark Covenant and addresses Édouard, which annoys and agitates him. Now double teamed by the Two Skull Masked Operators, Templar fends off Mace by throwing knives into his forearms but gets thwarted by Ghost before he can use his last one on him. Ghost manages to throw Templar to the ground and attempts to use the same coup de grace that he used on him, but it fails and Templar kicks him aside. Mace states that he can't move his arms, Templar states that he had struck his nerve clusters and he'll recover in a minute, while its just him and Ghost for now. Meanwhile, Rorke is shot in the ear while making his way to the helicopter by Adler. Rorke orders Dame to kill Adler, which Dame expresses pleasure in doing so, Adler tells her to come and get him. Mace tells Ghost that he's on his own as he hasn't recovered his arms, So Templar continues to furiously fight Ghost, and attempts to stab him in the head, But Ghost blocks his knife with his palm and manages to grab Templar's Arm and break it. He then puts the French Mercenary in a submission hold and prepares to kill him. However, before he can do so, Dame arrives to rescue Templar and kicks Ghost away. She then carries Templar away while Ghost struggles to recover.

In Panama, Dame helps a wounded Templar by getting off the ship while Rorke, Hidora Kai and Vagr Modir greeted Rott, Templar at first refused Dame's assistance by saying that she shouldn't care for him like a mother of an injured pup and managed to walk for a while before his leg give in, Dame then insisted to help Templar and for him to be in a hospital bed. The pair then discussed about The Five Knights and Templar becoming the leader. Templar and Dame put on their Dark Armor looks and load themselves. Templar recovered from his wounds after wearing their dark armor, while Dame is wearing her usurper uniform. Dame and Templar discuss about killing Rorke and becoming The Fifth Knight, The Dark Covenant, being chosen, choices and following decisions. However, Templar is shocked of What Dame has released The Dark Covenant meeting Dark Shepherd, Anna "Artery" Buckler, Kryptis aka Dark Rider, Witch Doctor and surprisingly Stansfield. Later on, Templar interrupts Rorke and Rott's conversation by telling them what he needs, Rorke responds that he needed people who obey orders and not ask questions that they didn't need answers to. Templar then responds by pulls out his throwing knives, readying to do battle and ambush. Rorke orders his mercenaries to kill Templar, Rott exfils and tells Rorke that it's not his fight. Rorke is confronted by The Dark Covenant, after Dame convinced Templar to turn against The Five Knights. However, Rorke's Mercenaries are no match for all of The Dark Covenant, and Rorke is left alone. He fights Templar, but is quickly bought to his knees. Rorke makes some last taunts and how these "cultists" will not gain control of the world. In response, Dame kills Rorke by slitting his throat.

In Blackout Island, Templar confronts Dame about Sophia so he can get out of The Five Knights and The Dark Covenant which Dame angrily argues to Templar that Sophia is bound to The Covenant by blood and that she will not be released, instead training to become an operative, much to Templar's disapproval. While arguing, To Dame's surprise, Templar slits his neck, telling her that his strings have been cut and he is no longer a puppet, The Dark Covenant then attacks him, But Templar beats and attacks Dark Rider, Dark Shepherd, Anna "Artery" Buckler and Witch Doctor with minor injuries with a broken visor. When Ghost finds him, Templar does not attack him and instead gives him a keycard, stating that The Fifth Knight is nearby and This is not his war. Ghost tells Templar what will he do, Templar replies that he will burn The Dark Covenant to the ground.

In The Abandoned Castle, Templar is seen wielding and reforging his damaged helmet. As he puts on his repaired helmet, he notes that Ghost found him again and states that his footsteps are light as he thinks, Ghost replies it wasn't hard to find him, noting he left quite a trail of dead bodies. Edouard states that, since The Dark Covenant have gone to ground, he went on a hunt for information in The Criminal Underground. He also mentions that he cannot be blamed if said criminals were not willing to talk without any sort of persuasion. Templar then asks Ghost why is he here, and Ghost tells him that he's after his daughter, Sophia Couteau and Ghost himself is after Stansfield and they share a common enemy while he has a score to settle. Templar agrees, and he whips around to throw a knife at Ghost. After a short fight, Templar tells Ghost about his backstory about himself and joined in the French Army at 17, ambitious, aggressive and young, his commanding officer Dame while she was discharged, countless battles, which drove his teammates to see him sadistic and insane soldier. After Dame was recruited into The Dark Covenant, where he felt at home, Stansfield was like a father to Templar and he spilled much blood for them. He tells him about a peaceful life for his daughter, the one that he never had. He then promises to find her, but Ghost intervenes, grasping his hand, saying that they will both find her together, and Templar finally said they will hunt down The Dark Covenant.

Ghost and Templar begin to hunt down The Dark Covenant members, their first target is Witch Doctor, who's on board on a ship. after they deploy their parachutes and shot the guards, and knocked him down, Templar asks Witch Doctor that he likes surgery with his knife, Witch Doctor's fate is unknown or deceased. Their second target they ambush is Kryptis, who dodges an incoming Ghost who misses with his pistol, and drives towards Templar. Kryptis angrily calls Templar a traitor as he attempts to gun him down with a KAP-40, and Templar retaliates with a wave of knives. He manages to spin out Kryptis' motorcycle and apprehends him. Kryptis insists that he won't betray The Dark Covenant, But Templar tells him that he will. Their third target is Dark Shepherd, who's on a hovercraft in the sea. Despite his guard telling him that no one is following them, Dark Shepherd doubts it and when he discovers the duo making their way up the duo throws the guards off the hovercraft. Ghost attempts to apprehend Dark Shepherd, But he holds him on gunpoint, When he asks where Templar is, he responds by putting his knife to Dark Shepherd's throat. Dark Shepherd states that he'll talk, Templar answers in the affirmative. The last target is Artery, who's interrogating a man in the hotel room. Ghost interrupts Artery, stating he and Edouard would have a word with her. Artery attempts to escape but she is caught by Templar by foot dangling off the window ledge. She attempts to convince Edouard to rejoin them, telling him that Ghost is just using him and will backstab once he's done. But Edouard disapproves and instead tells her that he's going to take his chances, he gives her a choice to either talk or take her chances as well, Artery tells Edouard and Ghost the location of Stansfield is 584S in Alaska. Edouard then thanks her before he lets go of her foot, dropping her to her supposed death. Ghost then asks if it is really necessary to drop her, to which Edouard replies that She'll live, but even she didn't he'd have done a favor for the world.

Later on, the duo preparing on a mission to Alaska, on board a plane. Edouard reminds Ghost that it is a one way mission and that they may not make it. But if they do, they'll have an exit plan, Edouard has contacted an old friend that to help with that. Ghost replies that Edouard has friends, Edouard replies that the old friend is Nikto, where he will exfil after they succeed the mission. Ghost then informs Edouard that he has brought backup as well, the back ip of Soap, Alex and Sliver. The Pilot tells them if they're ready for takeoff, Edouard replies that they have one person coming, Vagr Modir and her pet wolf. Edouard tells her she's right on time, to which she replies that she wouldn't miss all the fun as he killed her employer Rorke. Soap and Alex feel uneasy about having Modir with them, which she takes notice of and asks them if they had hard feelings, to which Soap replies that they won't have any so long as her wolf does not attack them again. The plane is in the midair. Sliver is seen sitting down with an arrow in her hand, Vagr Modir is sleeping with her pet wolf, Soap and Alex are playing card games. Edouard calls Simon's name and gives him back the mask he took from him in Siberia. Upon receiving the mask, Simon claims he forgot about it and that one act of kindness isn't enough to erase all of Edouard's sins. Edouard agrees, and tells Simon to promise him that if anything happens to Edouard, Simon will take care of his daughter, Sophia, with Simon responding "Okay."

As the plane touches down in Alaska, Ghost and Templar make a final agreement on their deal by retrieving both Sophia and The DSM. While the bay doors open when Ghost, Templar, Soap, Alex, Sliver and Vagr Modir and her pet wolf get out, Firebreak and The Dark Covenant Operatives arrive to ambush the group. Firebreak uses his purifier to torch the area surrounding the plane, separating the group. As Ghost and Templar flee the scene to continue the mission, The remaining passengers begin to hold off The Dark Covenant. After a bit of fighting, Alex gets his leg severed by Firebreak's D13 Sector, and Vagr Modir drags him to safety while Soap telling her not to let Alex die. Vagr Modir tells Alex to hold it steady while her pet wolf attacks Firebreak. Ghost and Templar infiltrate the Alaskan Facility, with Ghost telling him to get the DSM while rescuing her daughter Sophia, Templar knew the deal, They split up, with Templar slicing through multiple Dark Covenant Operatives with his sword while Ghost guns them down. Templar finds and reunites with his daughter, Sophia, while Ghost finds and confronts Stansfield in his office. Stansfield says that he wanted to see the new him, Ghost replies that he's nothing like Stansfield. Stansfield says that his new self claiming that Ghost enjoys the thrill of the battle, singing in his blood, and that Ghost should've been part of what he and Adler built. Ghost tells him that after today, The Five Knights will be dead, and so will The Dark Covenant, and Stansfield himself. Templar, after transferring some data into his DSM and retrieves it, while carrying Sophia away while she closes her eyes, by killing some Dark Covenant Operatives. Meanwhile, Ghost fights Stansfield in a vicious brawl, eventually, Ghost kills Stansfield by gouging his eyes and snapping his neck. Meanwhile, Templar protects Sophia while killing The remnants of The Dark Covenants Operatives, he calms her by saying that they able to get back a normal life by going back to Paris, and as he begins to slaughter The Dark Covenant Guards, makes his way through the facility, he regrets having pulled Sophia into such a dangerous life, and he notes "I am death, and that is all I will ever be." but he believes Sophia could succeed in having a normal life of her own. As Templar and Sophia prepare to exfil with Nikto with his chopper, he spots Vagr Modir pined to the ground by a Dark Covenant Operative while her pet wolf was killed or not, and as he rushes to help, Nike asks Templar what he's doing. Templar replies "For once, the right thing." as he pulls the soldier off of Vagr, he pulls her up while telling her to provide cover fire and hang in there. Just then, Ghost and reinforcements arrive to finish off the remaining Dark Covenant Operatives. With Templar and Vagr Modir surprised that Ghost killed Stansfield, Ghost approves. Ghost asks if they obtained the DSM, and Templar affirms that he did. Later, Ghost, forced by the orders of General Shepherd, pulls a pistol on Vagr, killing her, and as Templar panics, he himself shot in the helmet by Ghost, telling that it is the end. General Shepherd shows up to Ghost, Sophia watches and saw Templar getting shot, Shepherd's soldiers do the loose ends by firing on Nikto in the chopper, while his chopper torn apart by machine gun fire and Sophia escapes the gunfire. Ghost retrieves the DSM and hands it to Shepherd, and praises him for his good job. As the group leaves, Ghost remarks that Templar was right, there's nothing there but Ghosts. Sophia, revealed to have survived, desperately runs to Templar, and she encourages him to get up, reminding him that her a life in Paris, the two begin to make their way across the ice. Later, Templar slips and falls, As Sophia attempts to get Templar back up, he tells Sophia to be better than him, and that he will love her always, presumably "passing away" in her arms.

In Sulyodansk Industrial City, Sophia is captured by Stitch, Wraith and Templar's Shadow, where Stitch's henchmen is killed by the throwing knives and Templar returns alive after he survived in Alaska and the cabin, the revelation shocks Sophia.



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The Rook Safehouse Crew
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Rogue Black Ops
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United Anti-Terrorism Coalition
John Price | Russell Adler | John "Soap" MacTavish | Simon "Ghost" Riley | Gary "Roach" Sanderson | "Tank" Dempsey | Alex Keller | Kyle "Gaz" Garrick | Viktor Reznov | Thomas Merrick | Keegan Russ | Alex Johnson | Logan Walker | Riley | Farah Karim | Wyatt "Bulldozer" Jones | Alexander "Cipher" McDaniels | Denise "Foxtrot" McDaniels | Mace | Édouard "Templar" Couteau | Vagr Modir | Hakan "Demir" Pala | Rosa | Charlotte "Charly" Johnstone | Mara | Benjamin "Otter" Lee | Hans "Golem" Blaustein | Sliver | Tempest | Agent Miller

Phantom Corps
Frank Woods | Claire "Alias" Richmond | Ether | Deadman | David "Section" Mason | Alexander "Cipher" McDaniels | Denise "Foxtrot" McDaniels | Denise "Rampage" Michaels | Yu "Shadowfall" Chen | Sparrowhawk | Édouard "Templar" Couteau | Sophia Couteau

The Couteau Line
Édouard "Templar" Couteau | Sophia Couteau | Death Angel Alice

Kurohana Corporation
Rin Yoshida | Dusk | Tiangu

La Sous Terre
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The Resistance
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Operation Deadbolt
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The Ex-Requiem Crew
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