Heroes Wiki

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Heroes Wiki

One of the minor antagonist in Mercenary Enrollment Series. He is one of the crazy psycho mercenaries and a member of the The Numbers under 001's leadership, as he is well skilled in knives while in combat with prowess.

He appeared when Ijin and Liam were rescuing 032 but 004 encountered and close combat quarter on Ijin but eventually lost upon realizing that it was none other in fact 001 himself who he desires to kill. He is often difficult to be calm as he happens to not hesitate to kill anyone while getting addicted to death but he often screws up in missions till theyre used to his screw ups. In the later series, it is shown that he is unwillingly to cooperate but gives in due to 002's democratic vote


He is around tall, lean but good build that could fit on combat requirements. His appearance tends to be insanity when fighting in combat when desiring to murder enemies without hesitation but gets overboard afterwards. It is said that he was one of the best in the rankings and is known to prefer knives over guns.


004 shows to be very arrogant when it comes to meetings, has the tendency to go insane with a psychopath side showing no care especially to Ijin but gets held back from 008 stopping him all the while of not obeying orders. Its shown to be a big careless with his words especially towards others even 001 himself.


While he is incredibly skilled and proficient in both combat and environmental surroundings. he has the flaw of not staying still nor behave in a way Ijin and other colleagues does. Tho he doesn't dare to go against 002's leadership as he was feared by him. He often has a bad habit of using methods of killing that are inefficient methods when killing enemies in knife combat unlike Ijin who happens to be skilled in knifemanship with precision anatomical striking.
