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Hero Overview

Oh Adol, how can I ever thank you? I'll never forget what you have done. Your bravery, your kindness, your inspiration.
~ Elena thanking Adol for saving her and all of Felghana/Kenai from Galbalan/Demanicus in Ys III for the PC-Engine (English).

Adol Christin is the main protagonist of the non-canon game Ys III: Wanders from Ys.


A few years after Adol destroyed Darm, he and Dogi travel with eachother on various adventures, eventually leading to them reaching Felghana, how they get there depends on the version of the game.


Adol and Dogi begin sailing off to their next adventure after the latter made sure the ship was in top shape. Various adventures are shown before they eventually reach Felghana.


Adol and Dogi were travelling through an active town when they come across a fortune teller. When Dogi asks Adol to have his fortune told, the latter turns it down.

When Dogi has his told, the fortune teller's crystal ball shatters and she is horrified by Galbalan's pending return. While heading to Felghana, Dogi's home country, they find themselves nearly mauled by a wild cat. Adol promptly cuts it in half to save themselves. They head to Redmont to investigate the matter regarding Galbalan.

Main story[]

After reaching Dogi's birthplace Redmont, they are greeted by Gardner who knew Dogi from ten years ago. As they travel through the town to learn more about the poor harvest and strange creatures appearing, Elena Stoddart bumps into them and apologizes to Dogi, who was an old friend of hers and explains she has not seen her brother Chester for several months.

After Elena dashes off, Dogi and Adol head into the Inn where they remark about how the room they were in and it was not changed from ten years ago. When Adol hears about Mayor Edgar being stuck in the Tigray Quarry which has been infested with monsters, he heads there to save him.

As Adol fights through the monsters in the mine to save Edgar, he gets confronted by Chester who demands him to leave and pushes down a miner who was looking for Edgar. The miner was okay, but gives Adol the warehouse key so he can save the mayor.

After Adol defeats Dularn and an animate statue protecting the Sun Statue, he is able to save the mayor who had an injured leg and was cornered by Chester who jumps down and leaves, telling Adol not to show his face again.

Adol helps Edgar out of the mine and heads back to town to let the villagers know their mayor is safe. Adol returns to the Inn where he meets Elena and Dogi where the latter tells him that her brother Chester left half a year to work with McGuire of Valestine Castle and she has not seen him.

She worriedly also asks Adol to head to the Ilvern Ruins to find her brother as his pendant was at the entrance. Dogi also asks Adol to find Pierre for the sake of the town.

After fighting through the monsters there, Adol is caught spying by Chester who had captured Pierre. Chester then pushes Adol down into a pit in a lava cave, uncarring of Elena's worries.

Adol survives the fall and fights his way until he manages to reach a herb and heal his wounds. He ventures further into the cave, killing the fire snake Gilan and claiming the Fire Dragon's Amulet in order to cool down a river of lava into solid rock so he can leave the cave.

Adol hides with Elena when Chester and Garland come. They listen in to them where they learn that Pierre has been taken to Vallacetine Castle. When the death of Giran gets reported, Garland is downright furious and asks Chester how hard it is to kill Adol.

After they leave, Elena and Adol spot a statue. Once the switch triggers a hidden path behind the statue to open, Elena informs him of a monster that has been guarding a statue in the hidden area.

After Adol asks her to return to town so he can face the monster without her being in danger, he faces off against the draconic gaurdian of the statue and wins. After Adol gets the Star Statue, he was about to leave the room he and Elena hid in when Chester tries to engage him in a sword dual.

But Elena stops this, asking why he was after the statue. Chester asks her to remember what happened to their village and warns Adol to leave him alone and leaves.

After Elena takes Adol back to town, Dogi heads to the Eldam Mouuntains to meet his master while asking Adol to meet the mayor at his house. When Adol heads there, he learns from Edgar that a spy from Vallestine Castle broke into the room they were in and made a mess.

Edgar believes that the spy was after the statues, which were causing the monsters to appear. Edgar sends Adol with a key to a locked door in the mine Adol found the first statue in to join the miners in the search of the third statue.

After Adol fought a good way into the cave on the other side of the locked room, he finds a chest the miners were not able to open despite being unlocked. However, the statues break the seal on the chest, enabling Adol to get the Mission Tablet from inside it.

When an earthquake occurs, two of the miners retreat as they've realized that it was the result of a curse. The remaining miner examines the tablet, finding a picture of a man fighting against a giant creauture known as Galbalan. The picture shows him with one of the statues in his left hand.

Adol learns that long ago, Galbalan conquered Felghana and brutally killed those who opposed him. However, Genos arrived and defeated Galbalan and sealed up the monster with the power of the statues when he survived the battle.

After Adol returns to Redmont with the Flash Statue, he witnesses McGuire, with Garland by his side, offering Mayor Edgar to let half the world be controlled by him once Galbalan returns, the Mayor refutes this offer. Frustrated by this, McGuire declares he will get the statues regardless and threatens to kill the villagers if he does not cooperate.

Garland and McGuire leave, pushing Adol away rudely. After Edgar explains the situation regarding McGuire and Galbalan to Adol, he reveals his belief that the soldiers were obsessed with the statues that sealed the moinster.

Edgar then has Adol take a letter to Dogi's master in order to learn more about the last statue. Adol heads to Eldam Mountains to see Dogi's master at his house where he also meets up with Dogi.

Dogi's Master explains that the last statue is in the mountains and Adol must fight the creature in possession of the key to it and gives Adol the Banded Sword. After Adol defeats the creature and procures the Judgement Staff, he takes it to the demonic statue, leading to it to vanish, opening the path to the dragon holding the Dark Statue.

After Adol defeats the Dragon, he gets the statue and gets confronted by Chester when a cave-in traps them. It is here Adol learns of Chester's old vilage being slaughtered but him and his sister. Because of this, he intended to let Galbalan let kill McGuire and his men once he is free.

Adol calls Chester out on these as innocent lives could get caught in the crossfire. Just then, Dogi breaks them out and asks Chester to drop his revenge scheme, but Chester ignores him and leaves. After Dogi and Adol bid the former's master farewell.

When Adol and Dogi return to town, they learn that the army of Vallestine Castle kidnapped the people of Redmont as the statues were not surrendered to them. Adol talks with Edgar who asks Adol to let the army take the statue so the lives of the captured people will be spared.

Adol refuses and says he will save the hostages from the castle. Edgar reluctantly lets Adol go through with this. When Adol is about to sneak into Vallestine Caslte, he asks Elena to wait at the cave entrance as it is too dangerous for her.

After Adol fights through the monsters and soldiers in the castle, he enters a church-like area where he is confronted by Garland as he was pursued by a knife-wielding Elena who realised Garland was planning to attack Adol.

When Adol asks Garland to show him where McGuire is, Garland tells him he has no more use to him and opens a passage in the room. Adol has Elena stay behind to ensure her safety as the path could be boobytrapped.

Adol pursues Garland and frees the hostages in order to proceed. After Adol passed through the inside of a clocktower, he faces off against a transformed Garland after learning that his plans to revive Galbalan succeeded.

Following Garland's demise, McGuire acknowledges that the misdeeds he performed were a result of listening to Garland who only intended to revive Galbalan and the monsters overran his casltle.

Out of remorse for what happened to his people, McGuire asks Adol to use the four statues to seal Galbalan again. To enter Galbalan's territory, McGuire gives Adol the Evil Night figurine.

When Elena catches up with Adol, she gets kidnapped by Galbalan who wants Adol to bring the four statues to his domain. After this, Adol wonders what he should do, and he let the townsfolk down.

After Adol returns to Redmont, Dogi snaps him out of his funk and asks him to go see the mayor so he might have a chance to save Elena. Adol asks Edgar to let him go to Galbalan's island in order for Adol to save Elena from him.

After infiltrating Galbalan's Island with the aid of the Ogre's Ball of Fire, Garland intervenes in Adol's infiltration in an attmept to kill him. But Adol gets the upper hand and finishes him off.

After a long way up the tower, Chester, who was remorseful for the grief he put Adol through, catches up with him. At the top, Chester demands Galbalan where Elena is.

Galbalan shows Elena binded by light rings on a tower on the other side of the gap from Chester and Adol. When Chester demands Galbalan to release her, the demon declares he was only after the statues and he has no use for him or his sister, telling Adol to watch Chester and Elena die together.

Elena was opposed to Galbalan and his followers being killed as they were living beings, but Chester counters this by pointing out this will lead to humanity and the world being wiped out.

Just as Galbalan is about to kill them, Adol offers up the statues for their safety, Galbalan then summons a platform so Adol can bring the statues. After Adol brings the statues, Galbalan declares his reign on the world and fights Adol for the statues.

When Adol manages to grievely wound Galbalan, Adol retreats with Elena who explains that the destruction of the village she and her brother lived in was destroyed so it does not pose a threat to Galbalan's return and Chester must sink the island in order to end Galbalan's threat forever.

After the island's destruction, Adol and Dogi bid their farewells to the population of Redmont who were awake in the morning before leaving town for their next adventure.

As Adol and Dogi were heading towards their next adventure, Elena arrives to see Adol before he leaves on his next journey.
