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Heroes Wiki

A minor or major character in the Revenge of the Iron-Blooded Sword Hound, he is a senator and a diplomat to other clans of the empire. Known for his dignified and composure appearance. He is characterized to have a well groomed mustache as It is accentuated by his rigid stance and impeccable clothing. His expressions are controlled but betray frustration on Baskerville Family affairs.


Adolf is noted for his strategic thinking and strong sense of responsibility to House Mortuary. Though normally calm and cool, he has a protective, almost indulgent, attachment to his niece, Camus, for whom he frequently acts as a political tutor and protector. Adolf's diplomatic abilities are finely developed, and he is a master of bargaining and persuasion, displaying a certain charm while pushing his family's interests. However, he is prone to subtle provocation, particularly in dealings with Hugo Baskerville, his counterpart and adversary from House Baskerville.


As the younger brother of the head of the Morgue Clan, he is often long involve in political spectrum, representing its Clan's interest in external affairs and is member of a "Ming Party"



  • Sixth Circle Master Magic: Adolf posses highest magic of expertise, specifically both offensive and defensive skills as his ability to create barrier of various strengths that formed him a formidable opponent against physical and magic offense alike.
  • Elemental Manipulation: He can create various forms of elemental magic and can be used simultaneously as he demonstrated creating a jar of hydro creating geo, pyro and hydro combined. His control of powers showed versatility of defensive formation skills.
  • Master Strategist and Diplomat: Adolf's diplomatic skills and capacity to retain control in the midst of adversity make him an important figure for Mortuary. During talks, he typically employs humour and sly digs, particularly with the Baskervilles.