The Adventure Sphere, commonly referred to as Rick and the Adventure Core by fans, is a corrupted core and a supporting character in Portal 2, also making an appearance in LEGO Dimensions. He is voiced by Nolan North.
The Adventure Core is a green-eyed core. It appears as a standard core would aside from that however, having a spherical casing and two handles.
The Adventure Core is an energetic robot who would always like to do something adventurous, he also loves talking about going on adventures and has a very confident and boisterous personality, and even subtly hits on Chell numerous times.
What, are you fighting that guy? You got that under control? You know, because, looks like there's a lot of stuff on fire...
~ Adventure Core
I don't want to scare you, but, I'm an Adventure Sphere. Designed for danger. So, why don't you go ahead and have yourself a little lady break, and I'll just take it from here.
~ Adventure Core
Going for it yourself, huh? All right, angel. I'll do what I can to cover you.
~ Adventure Core
I'll tell ya, it's times like this I wish I had a waist so I could wear all my black belts. Yeah, I'm a black belt. In pretty much everything. Karate, Larate, Jiu Jitsu, kick punching, belt making, Taekwondo...bedroom.
~ Adventure Core
Do you have a gun? Because I should really have a gun. What is that thing you're holding?
~ Adventure Core
If you let the Adventure Core talk long enough, he would tell Chell to get Wheatley to say, “You have been a thorn on my side long enough!”. After attaching the Adventure Core and Wheatley says his line, the Adventure Core would reply by saying “Yeah? Well this thorn... is about to take you down!”.
There is an unused line in the game files of the Adventure Core yelling at and arguing with the Space Core and the Fact Core.
The Adventure Core was almost sucked into space instantly before Wheatley and the Space Core.