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Well, that's the US government for you. People need to know about this stuff. Thanks, Calypso...
~ Stone ending words.

Agent Stone was one of the chosen drivers in the original 1995 Twisted Metal. He is a goverment agent in search for the true presence of aliens on earth.

In the game, he serves as the driver of Crimson Fury.


Twisted Metal[]

Stone's decided to participate under goverment orders in hope that he can discover the truth behind the presence of the aliens. In the end of the game, he managed to retrieve said box as proof from Calypso before leaving to handle it for the law.

Stone never returned in the second tourament.


  • Agent Stone's personality and motives are based off of James Bond. So much so, when hovering over his car in TM1's select screen, it begins to play his theme song.
  • Although Agent Stone is British, his accent in the original live-action ending was American. This could likely be because he was originally intended to be an American spy. Agent Stone himself also does not physically appear in the live-action ending, only speaking to Calypso from offscreen, making his driver's portrait the only instance of the character actually being seen.
  • Agent Stone and Commander Mason both seek the same prize from Calypso, although the former seeks the flight recorder box to reveal the truth that aliens exist to the world, while the latter is attempting to secure it to prevent the world from learning the truth to avoid mass panic.

External links[]


           Twisted Metal Series LogoHeroes

Twisted Metal(1995)
Agent StoneAngela FortinBruce CochraneBruce Cochrane's GirlfriendCaptain SpearsScott CampbellSergeant Carl RobertsPolice

Twisted Metal 2
AxelCaptain Jamie RobertsKrista SparksMarcus KaneMortimer Scharf

Twisted Metal 4
OrbitalQuatroZanita Corbett

Twisted Metal: Black
Agent StoneBlackDollfaceJohn DoeNo-FacePreacherRavenWarhawkMinion

Twisted Metal: Head-On
Agent ShepardColonel Hall

Twisted Metal (2012)
PreacherHoly Men

TV Shows
Twisted Metal (2023)
John DoeQuietRavenLoudAgent Stone
