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Seer Akama

“When the time is right, the Betrayer will become... the betrayed.”
~ Akama's catchphrase, prepare to fight Illidan in order to free the Outland and his people from his tyranny.

Akama is an ancient and wise Broken Draenei from the Warcraft series, first introduced in Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne.

Akama was once a peaceful priest of the Draenei at the Temple of Karabor, where he lived in happiness with his wife. Unfortunately, the Orcish Horde assaulted the temple and slaughtered most of its inhabitants, including Akama's wife. Eventually, Akama succumbed to a disease, mutating him into a foul creature. Akama did not lose his sanity, however, and attempted to lead his diseased people against the demonic forced which now ruled his homeland. After a gruesome defeat in battle against the demons, Akama was forced to find allies.

He eventually made contact with the demon/elf hybrid, Illidan, who was also at war the the demons. Akama assisted Illidan in the war against the demonic Burning Legion, and eventually fought the Pit Lord, Magtheridon. In the final battle, Akama, Illidan, Kael'thas, and Lady Vashj defeated Magtheridon and imprisoned him below the Hellfire Citadel. Akama then became a high-ranking member of the Illidari, an army of Demons, Orcs, Naga, and Blood Elves.

It was not till it was too late when Akama learned of Illidan's true agenda. The Farseer believed that Illidan sought to bring down the tyranny that Magtheridon held over the Outlands, but rather he sought to take it as his own. Illidan enslaved Akama's people, the Broken, and forced them to work for the Naga and Demons. Illidan withdrew Akama's soul from his own body and trapped it within the Black Temple in case he attempted to betray the Illidari.

Years later, when the demon lord Kazzak reopened the Dark Portal, thus opening a gateway to the Outlands, the armies of the Alliance and Horde allied themselves the the Sha'tar, a group of beings made of pure light called Naaru. Led by the Naaru of the Sha'tar, the Alliance and Horde fought against Illidan's forces in the Outlands. Akama was charged by his master to watch over the Warden's Cage, where Illidan kept his former jailor, Maiev Shadowsong, behind bars. The heroes found Akama in the prison, and learned of his true agenda - to betray Illidan and restore peace to the shattered realm of Outlands.

Akama, Maiev, and the heroes forged an alliance, and in time took down Illidan chief lieutenants - Kael'thas, Lady Vashj, and Kargath Bladefist. Akama then blew a whole in the side of the Black Temple, allowing the heroes to invade without being noticed. After the small army of adventurers took out the Naga of the Temple's sewers and the Fel Orcs of the courtyard, they took out the Shade of Akama - the essence of Akama's soul that Illidan would destroy should Akama ever try to overthrow him. Akama trapped his soul in a Phylactery which the heroes found on the body of the lich Rage Winterchill. The heroes then battled the remainder of Illidan's armies, and eventually fought the Tyrant of Outland himself. It a long, climatic battle, the heroes brought an end to Illidan, and Akama succeeded him as master of the Black Temple.


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The Alliance
Stormwind: Llane Wrynn | Varian Wrynn | Anduin Wrynn | Anduin Lothar | Bolvar Fordragon | Turalyon | Mathias Shaw | Reginald Windsor | Valeera Sanguinar
Lordaeron: Terenas Menethil | Uther the Lightbringer | Turalyon | Falric
Gilneas: Genn Greymane | Tess Greymane | Darius Crowley
Kul Tiras: Daelin Proudmoore | Katherine Proudmoore | Derek Proudmoore | Jaina Proudmoore | Flynn Fairwind
Other Human Kingdoms: Dalaran (Antonidas, Khadgar) | Stromgarde (Thoras Trollbane, Danath Trollbane)
Ironforge: Magni Bronzebeard | Muradin Bronzebeard | Falstad Wildhammer | Kurdran Wildhammer
Gnomeregan: Gelbin Mekkatorque | Kelsey Steelspark
High Elves/Void Elves: Alleria Windrunner | Vereesa Windrunner | Umbric
Night Elves: Tyrande Whisperwind | Malfurion Stormrage | Illidan Stormrage | Maiev Shadowsong | Jarod Shadowsong | Shandris Feathermoon | Broll Bearmantle
Draenei: Velen | Nobundo | Yrel
Mechagon: Prince Erazmin

The Horde
Orcs: Thrall | Varok Saurfang | Eitrigg | Rexxar | Drek'thar | Rehgar Earthfury | Nazgrel | Dranosh Saurfang | Broxigar Saurfang | Durotan | Samuro | Geya'rah
Darkspear Tribe: Vol'jin | Sen'jin | Rokhan | Zekhan
Tauren: Baine Bloodhoof | Cairne Bloodhoof | Hamuul Runetotem | Mayla Highmountain
Forsaken: Sylvanas Windrunner | Lilian Voss
Blood Elves: Lor'themar Theron | Rommath | Halduron Brightwing | Lady Liadrin | Aethas Sunreaver
Goblins: Gazlowe
Nightborne: Thalyssra | Valtrois | Oculeth | Ly'leth Lunastre
Zandalari: Rastakhan | Talanji
Vulpera: Kiro | Nisha

Knights of the Ebon Blade
Darion Mograine | Sally Whitemane | Nazgrim | Thoras Trollbane | Koltira Deathweaver | Thassarian

Illidan's followers
Illidan Stormrage | Akama | Kayn Sunfury | Altruis the Sufferer | Kor'vas Bloodthorn | Loramus Thalipedes

Chen Stormstout | Li Li Stormstout

The Light
Naaru: A'dal | M'uru | Xe'ra
Knights of the Silver Hand: Uther the Lightbringer | Turalyon | Alexandros Mograine
Argent Crusade: Tirion Fordring | Maxwell Tyrosus
Other: Lothraxion

Kyrian: Kyrestia the Firstborne | Pelagos | Kleia | Mikanikos | Polemarch Adrestes | Uther the Lightbringer
Necrolords: Primus | Draka | Alexandros Mograine | Plague Deviser Marileth | Emeni | Vashj
Night Fae: Winter Queen | Lady Moonberry | Niya | Dreamweaver | Hunt-Captain Korayn | Lord Herne | Droman Aliothe | Marasmius
Venthyr: Prince Renathal | Nadjia the Mistblade | Theotar the Mad Duke | General Draven | Kael'thas Sunstrider
Brokers: Ve'nari | Al'dalil | Firim

Dragon Aspects: Alexstrasza | Nozdormu | Ysera | Kalecgos
Red Dragonflight: Alexstrasza | Korialstrasz | Caelestrasz
Blue Dragonflight: Kalecgos
Green Dragonflight: Ysera
Bronze Dragonflight: Nozdormu | Chronormu
Black Dragonflight: Sabellian | Wrathion | Ebyssian

Aegwynn | Brightwing | Cenarius | Drak'thul | Emberthal | Leeroy Jenkins | Lunara | Med'an | Medivh

Playable characters: Uther the Lightbringer | Leeroy Jenkins | Reno Jackson | Rokara
Curse of Naxxramas:
Goblins vs. Gnomes:
Blackrock Mountain:
The Grand Tournament:
League of Explorers:
Whispers of the Old Gods:
One Night in Karazhan:
Mean Streets of Gadgetzan:
Knights of the Frozen Throne:
The Boomsday Project:
Rastakhan's Rumble:
Rise of Shadows:
Saviors of Uldum:
Descent of Dragons:
Ashes of Outland:
Madness at the Darkmoon Faire:
Forged in the Barrens:
