Aki Murasame is the tritagonist of the original action anime series Mechanical Arms or Mecha-Ude for short. She is the user of the twin mecha-arms, Dex and Sinis.
Aki is a lean teenage girl with spiky orange hair and eyes of light blue-green colors. As a student, she typically wears a beige blazer with dark buttons over a black shirt, along with a bright red tie. Her skirt is black and pleated, which is just above the knees, and she wears long black socks extended below the knee.
Although she is protrayed as a stoic and exigeant girl, she occasionally appears frustrated and have a caring side, including Hikaru, as noted by Alma. Her primary focus is Alma’s safety, which she prioritizes above all else, while she reluctantly looks after Hikaru. Her struggles in forming relationships is further aggravated by her ongoing conflict with the enigmatic userof the Worm-type Mecha-Ude, adding more to her poor disposition.
Powers and Abilities[]
External Links[]
- Aki Murasame on the Mecha-Ude Wiki
Heroes | ||
Hikaru Amatsuga | Aki Murasame | Alma | Dex and Sinis |