Akisada Izumi is a supporting character in the Japanese romantic comedy anime and manga series Shikimori Isn't Just A Cutie. He's the father of the protagonist of the series, Yuu Izumi, and the husband of Motoko Izumi, and also gets along very well with Micchon Shikimori, Izumi's girlfriend.
He's voiced by Naomi Kusumi in the Japanese version of the anime and Mark Stoddard in the English version of the anime.
Akisada Izumi is a tall and slightly overweight man, with extremely short, neatly combed, gray hair, gray eyebrows, and a gray mustache, pale skin, and an unknown eye color as his eyes are always seen shut. He's always seen wearing a light brown and gray dress shirt.
Akisada is a very gentle and caring man who is also very competitive. He gets along well with Shikimori, and goes out of his way to support his son's relationship with her.
- Akisada is shown to be very strong as he says he could lift 4 people on his back while carrying both Yuu Izumi and Micchon Shikimori.