Heroes Wiki

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Heroes Wiki
Hero Overview

Respond to my heart. Keystone, beyond evolution, MEGA EVOLVE!
~ Alain's battle cry whenever he has his Charizard Mega Evolve

Alain is a major protagonist in Pokémon the Series: XYZ and the main protagonist of the Mega Evolution Specials.

He is a Pokémon trainer from the Kalos region who used to work as the lab assistant to Professor Sycamore with a Charizard as his main partner. He soon decided to find more for himself out in the world and amazed with the power of Mega Evolution, gained a desire to become the most powerful Mega-evolution based trainer in the world. He also serves as the main Kalos rival to Ash Ketchum.

He is voiced by Kensho Ono in the Japanese, while in English he is voiced by Jonathan Silver.


Alain is a tall, slim teenager with messy black hair, and blue eyes. He typically sports a pair of baggy, gray pants, a black, leather jacket, black boots, a blue shirt with a white undershirt, and a pair of fingerless gloves. He also wears a pale, blue scarf.


Alain is portrayed to usually be focused on his goals, yet often exhibits aloof behavior and can wander off in thought. He at first seems to push others away from him, but he helped Mairin capture Flabébé with hints on strategy. He does, however, have a close bond with his Charizard, and has become accustomed to Mairin's companionship as shown in Mega Evolution Special II. Alain doggedly pursues his goal of becoming the strongest, often ignoring the concern of others and inadvertently causing distress and further concern among those that care most for him.

Alain is also rather stoic, showing little emotion in battle and only expressing vague excitement at the prospect of battling Ash. When Team Flare began their assault on Lumiose City, Alain felt betrayed by them and became filled with despair at the fact that he had been used in their plan to destroy the world. With Ash's help, he turned against Team Flare and helped stop their evil scheme.

He is also shown to be a good sport, and is shown to take his losses well. When he wins battles, he likewise congratulates his opponents on putting up a good fight, which is how he befriends Ash. When he loses, he doesn't let it bother him, instead devoting himself to train even harder. He greatly enjoys a challenge, becoming visibly excited when he and Charizard were pushed into a corner in their second battle with Ash-Greninja.



  • Alains's blue scarf losely resembles the blue flames that appear from Mega Charizard X's mouth.
  • He is the first rival for many things.
    • The first non-Champion trainer to defeat an Elite Four member in the animated series, defeating Malva during a one-on-one match.
    • The first rival in the animated series to be associated with a villainous organization.
    • The first primary rival to win a League.
  • He is the only member of the final Masters Eight lineup in Pokémon Journeys: The Series that is not a champion.


           Pokémon the Series logo Heroes

Main Characters
Ash Ketchum | Pikachu | Misty | Brock | Tracey Sketchit | May | Max | Dawn | Iris | Cilan | Serena | Clemont | Bonnie | Rotom Pokédex | Kiawe | Lillie | Mallow | Sophocles | Lana | Goh | Chloe Cerise | Liko | Roy | Dot
Rising Volt Tacklers
Professor Friede | Orla | Mollie | Murdock | Ludlow | Captain Pikachu | Liko | Roy | Dot

Professor Oak | Professor Elm | Professor Birch | Professor Rowan | Professor Juniper | Professor Sycamore | Professor Kukui | Professor Amaranth | Professor Burnet | Professor Cerise | Professor Magnolia | Professor Sonia | Professor Friede

Gary Oak | Officer Jenny | Nurse Joy | Jimmy | Marina | Ritchie | Vincent | Casey | Sakura | Drew | Solana | Zoey | Kenny | Barry | Candice | Looker | Riley | Lyra | Tobias | Bianca | Georgia | N | Rood | Danika | Quillon | Anthea and Concordia | Paul | Sawyer | Alain | Mairin | Aria | Tierno | Shauna | Trevor | Gladion | Guzma | Hapu | Wicke

Delia Ketchum | Johanna | Grace | Samson Oak | Lusamine | Mohn

Other Characters
Giselle | Duplica | Florinda Showers | Harrison | Morrison | Tyson | Cheryl | Ippei

Lance | Steven Stone | Cynthia | Alder (formerly) | Iris | Diantha | Ash Ketchum | Leon

Rising Volt Tacklers
Friede | Orla | Mollie | Murdock | Ludlow | Captain Pikachu

Movie Characters
Main anime timeline
Corey | Neesha | Fergus | Melody | Diana | Towa | Bianca | Sir Aaron | Rafe | Jack Walker | Alice | Newton Graceland | Maury | Eric Prince Raleigh | Princess Kimia | Karl | Tatsuki | Callahan | Latias | Latios | Lucario | Darkrai | Zoroark | Jirachi | Deoxys | Sheena | Kevin | Rowena | Baraz | Meray | Toren | Carlita | Damos | Risa | Koko
Pokémon the Movie: I Choose You! timeline
Ash Ketchum | Sorrel | Verity | Risa | Margo | Callahan | Oliver | Mia | Kellie | Toren | Harriet | Zeraora | Koko

Main Pokémon
Pikachu | Bulbasaur | Charizard | Squirtle | Eevee | Butterfree | Sceptile | Buizel | Lucario | Snivy | Greninja | Incineroar | Psyduck | Vulpix | Scyther | Blaziken | Skitty | Piplup | Pachirisu | Sylveon | Chespin | Fennekin | Sparky | Riolu | Cinderace

Legendary/Mythical Pokémon
Mewtwo | Mew | Lugia | Ho-Oh | Entei | Celebi | Kyogre | Latias | Latios | Deoxys | Dialga | Palkia | Giratina | Cresselia | Darkrai | Shaymin | Arceus | Zekrom | Reshiram | Kyurem | Meloetta | Diancie | Zarude | Zacian and Zamazenta | Enamorus

Other Pokémon
Ivysaur | Venusaur | Blastoise | Raichu | Jigglypuff | Gyarados | Ditto | Snorlax | Pichu | Gardevoir | Metagross | Munchlax | Oshawott | Zoroark | Inkay | Malamar | Wyrdeer | Ursaluna | Basculegion | Sneasler | Hisuian Braviary

Groups and Organizations
Ash's Friends | Pokémon Trainers
