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Alex Jurel

Alex Jurel

Alex Jurel is the main protagonist in the 1984 comedy-drama film Teachers.

He is portrayed by Nick Nolte, who also played Jack Cates in the 1982 film 48 Hrs., the 1990 sequel Another 48. Hrs., and Sam Bowden in the 1991 film Cape Fear.


Alexander "Alex" Jurel is a teacher at John F. Kennedy High School in Columbus, Ohio, he teaches Social Studies. Alex was a man with ideals and helped many kids. In 1969, he started free school. In 1974, reading program was cancelled due to lack of funds. He was a strong advocate for students' rights. One of his students a difference with was Lisa Hammond, who would later on become a lawyer. As time went on, he got so burned out fighting the system and lost some of his ideals. In 1984, the school would be sued by a former student named John Calvin, who was also a former student of Alex Jurel.

Lisa Hammond is representing John Calvin and would be taking depositions at the school. Alex Jurel is taking up some of the counseling after the school psychologist would flip out, Roger Rubell, the vice principal and Alex Jurel's friend would assign Alex to do some counseling. Alex believed he would not be served a supeana. Alex ends up counseling a kid named Eddie Pilikian. At the office, he would meet Eddie's mom who is going through a divorce with her lawyer there.

Lisa Hammond would serve Alex a supeana and would later on have dinner and talk about the case. He tells Lisa he might not be able to reach Eddie cause of the system and parents messing him up. Lisa believes that Alex can help Eddie.

In his class, he asks the students about the school and the responsibilities it has to a community. Eddie Pilikian responds about the lawsuit and Alex would have the students tell him what is wrong with the school. Eddie Pilikian would end up stealing a camera and take pictures of everything and everyone. The pics would be shown in class on slides.

Roger Rubell is not pleased with the pics in the paper and tells Alex that Donna Burke, the superintendent is not too pleased. Alex tells Roger that he has gotten through to Eddie and believes he can help Eddie. Roger believes that it is not Alex's job.

Alex would have another dinner with Lisa Hammond and talk more. She brings up some memories of school and they talk about the case. Alex, telling her that by telling what is going on won't change anything. Alex thinking that Lisa is taking the case for the wrong reasons. Lisa sees that Alex has changed some and is saddened by it and she walks out.

Alex is at a teachers meeting, Alex is with Principal Horn, Superintendent Burke, the school attorney Alan Lewis, and teacher Carl Rosenberg. Alex is questioning their intent. Carl tells them that he will speak out and tell the truth. Kenneth Stiles, one of the teachers there who is nocturnal passed away on class.

One of Alex Jurel's students, Dianne Warren, reveals to Alex that she is pregnant by one of the teachers and wants to get an abortion. Alex tells her that he can't without parental consent. Eddie Pilikian offers to take her. Alex decides to take her and she is upset.

Later on, Eddie Pilikian reveals to Alex that he took the Drivers Ed car. Eddie feels that tells Alex that they are even. Alex offers to help Eddie with his reading.

Alex meets up with Eddie's parents and Roger Rubell and tells them Eddie needs the reading class even though Eddie passed the class. Alex and Roger argue over what is happening there at the school. Roger refuses to listen.

During the day, the cops are there and have a search warrant for some lockers. Eddie's friend, Danny Reese, who has a gun on his locker to protect himself from bullies pulls out the gun and Alex sees Danny get shot by the cops. Eddie would later on pay Alex a visit and is upset by Danny's death. Eddie decides to leave school.

Not too long after, Alex is being called to the gym and Superintendent Burke, Principal Horn, the union rep Larry Malloy, and Roger Rubell are there and tell Alex that he needs to resign cause of taking Dianne Warren to get an abortion. Alex realizes that they are more concerned what he will say at his deposition. Roger reveals that the case has been settled. Alex refuses to sign the partes and walks away.

Alex goes to pack his things and Lisa Hammond arrives and sees what he is doing. He tells her that he is resigning cause of taking a student to get an abortion. Lisa tells them that the school are bluffing, they would never risk the publicity, that the school payed off them off cause of the publicity . The students arrive in support of Alex and Eddie, too. Alex walks away and Lisa gets him to realize he can make a difference and to not quite. She takes off her clothes and tells Alex she is not afraid to walk down the halls naked and drop her shields. Alex, realizes she is right.

Eddie goes to pull the fire alarm and everyone goes outside. Alex goes outside and sees Superintendent Burke, Roger Rubell, Carl Rosenberg talking about transferring Rosenberg to another school cause of him telling the truth at Carl's deposition. Alex tells Carl they can't make you resign. Alex tells Burke and Roger that he is not resigning and and will sue them if they try to fire him. Alex tells them that the school was build for the kids, the kids are not here for us, we're here for them. Alex thinks they are worth it. Superintendent Burke tells Alex he is crazy, Alex responds "I'm a teacher!"
