Alexei's first appearance.
Alexei and his colleague taking two keys.
Alexei about to insert the key into a machine that he and his colleague had built.
Alexei watching the machine being activated as a it opens a portal to another dimension.
Alexei seeing the machine suddenly fail, preventing the portal from being opened which kills a couple of scientists.
Alexei going to check on the debris caused by the machine's malfunction with his colleague and two soldiers.
Alexei watching his colleague getting killed by hitman, Grigori for his failure.
Alexei ordered by General Stepanov to build and perfect a new machine within a year.
Alexei handcuffed as Joyce hides while Hopper confronts Grigori.
Alexei trying to dodge some gun bullets as Hopper and Grigori fight each other.
Alexei about to be taken prisoner by Hopper and Joyce.
Hopper, Joyce and Alexei escaping the basement.
Alexei, Hopper, and Joyce running to Hopper's car.
Alexei seeing Hopper frantically yelling at Joyce to start driving away.
As Joyce drives the car, Alexei and Hopper sit in the back where Grigori fires his gun at them.
The next day, a puzzled Alexei watches Joyce attempt to communicate with him.
Alexei watching Joyce drop two rocks to demonstrate how her magnets fell from her refrigerator.
Alexei watching Joyce trying to communicate with him.
Alexei and Joyce managing to understand each other to a degree.
Alexei and Joyce seeing Hopper getting annoyed.
Alexei handcuffed to a tree as he watches Hopper and Joyce talk.
When Joyce tries to start Hopper's broken car, Alexei hears a faint noise coming from the vehicle's engine.
Alexei trying to warn Hopper and Joyce to stop the car.
Alexei and Hopper seeing the smoke forming up from the car.
"Stop."-Alexei after the car explodes.
Alexei, Hopper, and Joyce walking through the forest.
Alexei walking with his captors as they decide to go to Illinois so someone can help them communicate with him.
Alexei, Hopper, and Joyce walking in the woods.
Alexei walking as Hopper and Joyce argue.
Alexei starting to run off.
A gleeful Alexei running through the woods.
Alexei and Hopper emerging out of the forest.
Alexei, Hopper, and Joyce finding a 7-Eleven after they run out of the forest.
Alexei, Joyce, and Hopper arriving at their destination.
Alexei, Joyce, and Hopper at Murray Bauman's home.
Alexei, Joyce, and Hopper captured on a security camera footage.
Alexei as Hopper tells Murray to open his door.
Alexei waiting with Joyce and Hopper.
(in Russian) "Get that out of my face, you bald American pig!"
Alexei, Joyce, and Hopper greeted by
Murray Bauman who reveals he can speak Russian.
Alexei, Joyce, and Hopper being told by Murray to wait after being let inside his home.
Alexei being scanned by Murray.
Alexei as Hopper tries to talk to Murray.
Alexei watching Hopper get silenced by Murray who berates him for bringing a Russian into his home.
Alexei continuing to be scanned by Murray as Hopper and Joyce talk in private.
Alexei watching Joyce lose her temper with Murray.
Alexei watching Joyce rant to Murray all the trouble they went through to get Alexei to him so he can translate what he says.
Alexei after Joyce puts her foot down with Murray.
Alexei and Hopper silent as Murray allows them to make themselves comfortable.
The next day, Alexei sees Hopper hand him the food that he requested.
Alexei tucking his napkin into his shirt.
Alexei eating his burger.
Alexei drinking his Slurpee as Murray begins to question him.
After drinking his Slurpee, Alexei is disgusted after realizing it is strawberry-flavored.
Alexei wiping himself with his napkins.
(in Russian) "Tell that stupid man it is not the same in the slightest, and I would like the cherry I requested."
Alexei chuckling as he watches Woody Woodpecker on TV.
(in Russian) "No cherry. No deal."
Alexei giving Hopper a cocky smirk.
Alexei being threatened by Hopper.
Alexei having been thrown outside by Hopper.
Alexei managing to uncuff himself.
Alexei grabbing the car keys that Hopper had discarded.
Alexei having gotten into the car.
Alexei starting the car to make his getaway.
However, Alexei stops driving when he realizes his superiors will likely kill him if he revealed any information.
Alexei returning to his captors and admits to Hopper he likes strawberry Slurpees too.
Later, Alexei tells Murray, Hopper, and Joyce of the Key machine he and his colleagues have been building and powering.
Alexei hearing Murray translate Hopper's question on why he and his colleagues built the Key in Hawkins instead of in Russia.
Alexei answering that many of the Key machines had been built in Russia.
Alexei explaining that his people failed to get the machine to work properly in Russia, explaining the machine's location was the main problem.
Alexei seeing Murray having a hard time understanding his explanation on what the machine does and its purpose, along with why its built in Hawkins.
Alexei holding a straw and a box in his hands to give a demonstration of the Key's functions as he explains it.
Alexei explaining in Russian as Murray translates.
Alexei repeating his explanation by using the straw and box to demonstrate.
Alexei explaining the Key's purpose to open a portal to an alternate dimension.
Alexei explaining the Key's function was only half of the equation to get a portal to open.
Alexei giving Joyce a piece of paper to do another demonstration.
Alexei explaining how the portal in Hawkins had been opened before.
Alexei trying to think of a better word to explain how being in Hawkins helped the Key machine open a portal.
When Joyce asks if the portal is opened, Alexei answers the portal is actually opening.
Alexei asking Murray if he could watch Looney Tunes.
Alexei disappointed when Murray tells him he can't watch Looney Tunes yet.
While driving back to Hawkins, Alexei goes over the map of the Soviets' base with Murray.
Alexei as Murray translates what he says to Hopper and Joyce.
Alexei instructing Murray how to turn off the machine by getting access to two keys from a vault within the base.
Alexei as Murray tells Hopper and Joyce everything he told him.
Alexei asking Murray what he, Hopper, and Joyce were arguing about.
Alexei surprised to hear Hopper and Joyce are not a couple like he thought they were.
Alexei laughing with Murray.
Alexei as Hopper orders Murray to wait in the car with him.
Alexei and Murray waiting in the car.
Alexei talking to Murray, revealing his desire to defect from the Soviet Union and become an American citizen.
Alexei being told by Murray that even though he's still Russian, he can still have fun.
Alexei and Murray walking through the fair.
Alexei and Murray at a ticket booth.
Alexei checking his surroundings.
Alexei listening to Murray how the fair's games are rigged.
Alexei listening to Murray.
Alexei having been lectured how Americans play games.
Alexei being given some tickets.
Alexei looking at the tickets Murray gave him.
After Murray leaves to get some food, Alexei looks at his tickets again, deciding to use them to have some fun at the fair.
Alexei having succumbed to his wound.
Alexei's dead body being found by Murray and Joyce.
Joyce and Murray with Alexei's corpse.