The Space Hares, known also as Alien Bunnies or Space-Rabbits, are a species of rabbits from space and supporting characters in WarioWare video game series. They came from Rhythm Heaven series.
They appear in Orbulon's story, As their ship passes Orbulon's UFO, they notice its distress signal. One of the Alien Bunnies opens the elevator to save Orbulon and during the game you act as life points for them and if you fail you fall into space, but if you gain a life you go out of the hole. After seeing Orbulon, they take him back to the UFO and dance with him when on break. Orbulon's spaceship and his Space Hares appear in Space Escape, one of Dribble & Spitz's minigames.
WarioWare, Inc.: Mega Party Game$![]
Space Hares have their own minigame in Wobbly Bobbly, where four players must fend off a huge Hare in a lady's wig. For the Staff Roll, they are seen on the elevator doors. Paranoid, no panels and they change deviation.
WarioWare: Twisted![]
Game & Wario[]
In Game & Wario, the Alien Bunnies make a brief appearance during the epilogue of Captain Wario's story as they fly through the sky.