Alphen, initially known as Iron Mask, is the main protagonist of Tales of Arise, alongside Shionne. He is a masked Dahnan man who suffers from amnesia. Unable to feel pain either, all he knows is the rage he feels toward his Renan superiors and the care he feels for his fellow Dahnans.
Alphen awakened in the realm of Calaglia. Quickly realizing he had no memories of his life prior to this point, Alphen began to panic, but a man named Doc soon came to his aid. Taking him to Mosgul, Doc inquired about Alphen's life, but was met with silence. Over time, the two grew closer, and eventually discovered that Alphen is unable to feel any physical pain.
Tales of Arise[]
As Alphen has no recollection of his name, Doc gives him the nickname "Iron Mask," based on the metal mask that covers his face. In an attempt to find answers and seek his real purpose in life, Alphen journeys across Calaglia, coming into contact with many Dahnan slaves along the way. Seeing the Dahnan as innocents in need of rescuing, Alphen would jump to their aid, fighting their oppressors and freeing the Dhanans where he could.
Alphen's search for answers eventually leads him to Shionne Imeris, a woman on the run from a group of Renans. Compelled to act for some unknown reason, Alphen rushes to her aid, defending her against her pursuers. Finding her familiar somehow, Alphen joins forces with Shionne.
Together, Alphen and Shionne join the Crimson Crows and are tasked with assassinating Balseph, one of the five Renan Lords who use their power to oppress the Dahnan people. During an intense battle, Balseph strikes Alphen, shattering half of his metal mask. In a flash, some of Alphen's memories are restored, along with his name.
After freeing Calaglia, Cysloden, and Mahag Saar from its Renan oppressors, Alphen and his team face off against the final Renan Lord, Vholran Igniseri. Killing a member of his party, Alphen dashes towards Vholran in a moment of pure rage. Using his anger against him, Vholran strikes Alphen, shattering his mask entirely.
With his mask now fully broken, Alphen's ability to feel pain returns, along with all of his memories. About three hundred years ago, Alphen served as a loyal knight to a Dahnan noble. At some point, Alphen was defeated by Renan forces, who proceeded to capture him and bring him to Lenegis, a secret facility hidden away from the rest of the galaxy.
On Lenegis, Alphen was stripped of his name, being given the title of "Test Subject #1273." Kept in the dark about his role on Lenegis for quite some time, Alphen eventually found out that he was going to be used as a "Sovereign" in something known as the Spirit Channeling Ceremony. Before the Ceremony was about to take place, Alphen met with Naori Imeris, Shionne's ancestor.
Halfway through the Spirit Channeling Ceremony, Alphen lost consciousness, causing the ceremony to go disastrously wrong. When he awoke, Lenegis was crumbling around him. Racked with extreme guilt, Alphen began to lose his sanity. In an attempt to keep him alive, Naori placed a metal mask over his face, laced with a strong sedative, and stowed him away aboard a ship headed to Dahna.
Alphen has neck-long white hair and gray eyes. During his journeys he wears at least three outfits, designed to protect vulnerable areas around his body due to his inability to feel pain. In a more casual one, he dons a white shirt with various protective blue leather pieces around his chest and waist, brown pants and leather boots, brown gloves and large black mask covering most of his head. Alphen's second outfit is the Sincleaver Armor, a full black armor with blue light clothes beneath it and a blue cape hanging from his waist down. His third outfit is the one worn during the spirit channeling ceremony, named Gahm Arthalys. It consists of mainly white with gold details on it and a red cape. Apparently, the additional blue cape in Alphen's second outfit was his idea since Shionne said that Alphen looks good in blue.
Personality & Traits[]
Outraged at the Renans abuse of his people's lives, Alphen is very passionate toward liberating his people from the yoke of oppression. Alphen has a habit of trying to find new "routes" from random directions, only for those directions to lead to more problems. According to Shionne, Alphen always prefers a challenge.
In the party, Alphen acts as a pillar support, especially towards Law and Rinwell. He often cheers them up when they are down and even gives advice. Part of his personality are also influenced by Zephyr, especially after the latter's death, which impacted Alphen greatly who sees him as a mentor figure.
Alphen is usually calm and composed, however, he can be emotional and lose his temper when being faced with cruelty in front of him. Because he lacks sense of pain, Alphen often put himself in danger without thinking of the consequences.
Alphen cares a lot about his friends, and is quite observant of them. Even in the midst of battle, Alphen understands how they fight and how they have improved.
Alphen is a swordfighter who specializes in close-quarters combat. He sports an array of fast artes that chain well together, as well as long-distance and aerial artes, making him well suited to face any foe Dahna throws him. Alphen can sacrifice HP to use a Flaming Edge, a strong, wide-reaching Blazing Sword attack.
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