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Heroine Overview

Take a look around you. We're all we have. No one is coming to save us. We're on our own.
~ Amanda
It's a lifeform, an unknown type, some kind of alien organism. It's extremely dangerous.
~ Amanda to Samuels

Amanda Tei Ripley-McClaren (born Amanda Ripley) is the main protagonist of the 2014 survival horror video game Alien: Isolation, its 2019 sequel Alien Blackout, and the miniseries. The daughter of Ellen Ripley, she became a mechanical engineer to find her mother, and experienced a similar nightmare situation when dealing with a Xenomorph drone.

Kezia Burrows provided her model and motion-capture, whilst Andrea Deck provided her voice. In the "Special Edition" of Aliens, she was portrayed by the late Elizabeth Inglis (the mother of Sigourney Weaver, Ellen's actor).


She was an employee of Weyland-Yutani Corporation (or Wey-Yu). In 2137, when Amanda was 24 or 25, the flight recorder unit of the USCSS Nostromo was recovered and taken to Sevastopol Station.

Amanda travelled to Sevastopol in the hopes of finding out what happened to her mother when Nostromo disappeared fifteen years prior. She was subsequently involved in the Xenomorph incident that destroyed the station, apparently being its only survivor.

Three years later, Amanda would reunite with her old friend Zula Hendricks in a plight against the Weyland-Yutani Corporation to sabotage a black-sited bio-weapons facility. She later married, taking the name "McClaren".

Personality & Traits[]

In more ways than one, Amanda Ripley was quite similar to her mother. She was a strong-willed woman, although beneath her steadfast exterior she harbored unresolved grief and distress surrounding her mother's disappearance, feelings only strengthened by her lack of closure on the issue. It was this desire for closure that drove her to accept a place on the mission to Sevastopol.

When she found herself in the midst of the nightmare unfolding on the station, she managed to maintain her composure and even actively involved herself in combating the various threats discovered there, a sure sign of her courage. This, coupled with her determination to survive and her willingness to help others, saw her tirelessly attempt to save the station, even though her efforts were ultimately in vain.

Amanda possessed a dry and deadpan sense of humor as shown in her conversations with Axel and Waits, and also had a sarcastic streak. Like her mother before her, she was initially terrified and in shock of what she witnessed, but gradually became stronger and more confident throughout her time on Sevastopol, willing to scout alone in areas despite knowing the threat that stalks her.

After the Sevastopol incident and her three-day drift in space inside a pressure suit, Amanda seemed to suffer from claustrophobia, preferring to be out in open areas rather than confined spaces.


Ripley retrieved numerous weapons aboard Sevastopol, although owing to the fact most were totally ineffective against the Alien she rarely had cause to use them. The major exception to this was the flamethrower given to her by Marshal Waits, which she found was highly effective at deterring the Aliens on the station, if not harming them.

Ripley also widely employed a Security Access Tuner she recovered from another survivor to hack secure systems aboard Sevastopol. Being an engineer, she was adept at crafting homemade explosive and distraction devices to aid her in her survival, including pipe bombs, flashbang charges and noisemakers.


  • All mention of Amanda was cut from the theatrical release of Aliens when the studio complained that the film was too long. The scenes mentioning her were later reinstated for the extended Special Edition.
  • Regarding the possible discrepancy between Amanda's encounter with the Xenomorph on Sevastopol and her fate as revealed in the Special Edition of Aliens, Alistair Hope from Creative Assembly stated, "If there's one thing we know about Burke, it's that he's an extremely untrustworthy character. The one thing he needs to do is get Ripley to go back to LV-426, and there's a chance he's going to tell her whatever he thinks he needs to say."
  • Amanda's biological father Alex was first mentioned in passing in the novelization of Alien Resurrection, before being mentioned by name in the book Alien: Out of the Shadows and subsequently appearing in the novelization of Alien: Isolation. However, despite these multiple "appearances", very little information has ever been given on him beyond the fact he helped deliver Amanda and subsequently left Ellen Ripley three years after.


This article contains content derived from the "Amanda" article on the Xenopedia, licensed under CC-BY-SA.


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