Amia is a female Ultra from the planet U-40 and is the younger sister of her brother Ultraman Joneus and the main love interest to main protagonist Choichiro Hikari in the The☆Ultraman anime TV Series. She is voiced by actress Kumiko Takizawa.
Amia is both gentle, kind, and compassionate. She is also shown to be brave, even if she's not as strong as her older brother Ultraman Joneus, but Amia is willing to risk herself in order to aide and help her friends and allies fight the good fight against her peoples enemies.
Amia also has strong emotions and romantic feelings for the first human she ever met in person Chorichiro Hikari (see down below for Amia's relationships)
Amia also showed emotions such as anger, horror, and disgust for Emperor Heller and his Heller Empire followers disrupting the peace of the universe, as Amia herself even called Heller a coward for his murderous actions and heinous war crimes.
Powers and Abilities[]
Transformation/Body Possession:[]
Amia transforms like her brother and the rest of her species, using the Beam Flasher and Amia herself can even also transform at will on many occasions without the need of a Beam Flasher apparently. When using the Beam Flasher, she places it on her forehead after charging/tossing it in the air to transform.
For a brief time she possessed and took on a human host named Kyoko Kodaka during her short stay on Earth (Even if Amia herself did unintentionally caused a city-wide spreed panic in the process upon first arriving on Earth in order to locate Chorichiro Hikari in a not exactly a very good first contact impression with humanity). Her human host Kyoko Kodaka briefly transformed in the same manner as Amia herself.
Like all Ultras, Amia can fly under her own power for long distances even without a spaceship.
Size Change:[]
Originally Amia could not change her size, but later on in the original Japanese series she learns to take on giant form.
Like her brother, Amia can teleport anywhere with in a reasonable distance, in human or Ultra form.
Human Form:[]
Like the rest of the people of Planet U-40, Amia has her own natural human form, to transform she uses a similar device like that of her brother Joneus or as stated before Amia herself can even also transform at will on many occasions even without the need of a Beam Flasher.
Her main weapon of choice, being somewhat weak when compared to her brother's Planium Beam, it can still kill the average monster. For example the Alien Bader's powerful and extremely deadly kaiju creation Garbados, which was designed specifically to kill Ultras, it could not withstand a direct combined strike from both Amia and Ultraman Joneus's beam attacks, which utterly destroyed the evil kaiju creation.
Amia Eye:[]
Amia herself uses this technique to see in the dark.
Expert Piloting Skills[]
Amia is a very skilled pilot, even when being chased by pursuing enemy ships and fighters in combat. Her expert piloting skills also came in handy especially when helping both Chorichiro Hikari and her brother Ultraman Joneus in both saving their lives and helping them fighting off the vicious Heller Empire kaiju weapon Gumons.
Infiltration Skills[]
For the most part, Amia is a skilled infiltrator except when her cover is blown or when she has no other choice but to fight even when cornered.
Vehicles and Equipment[]
Amia's Fighter-craft[]
(Needs at least a photo)
Amia usually prefers to utilize a bright crimson red and very sleek looking U-40 assault-fighter as her main mode of transport (when not using her powers to travel) and can be used as a long ranged escape-craft in the case of an emergency by using it's incredible speed, agility, and maneuverability to escape, except when finding itself outnumbered and outgunned by superior enemy fighters and even bigger and better armed warships. The ship itself also has two cockpits for a pilot and co-pilot respectfully. It is also armed with a powerful pair of laser beams for both defensive and offensive capabilities purposes. Amia's own fighter-craft itself was also extremely well built, capable, and durable enough to survive a crash landing completely intact (which is surprising, considering it's not made of Earth materials, as the metals it's actually constructed and made from were constructed by the U-40 inhabitants themselves).
Ultraman Joneus[]
Ultraman Joneus is Amia's older brother.
Choichiro Hikari[]
Both Amia and Chorichiro Hikari have a very strong bond with one another ever since their first meeting, as Amia is the one who was responsible for tending to Hikari wounds and well being after his injury from fighting a dangerous kaiju named Bedorun on Earth. After their moment in fighting against the reptilian species called the Alien Bader Tribe, Amia become romantically attracted to Hikari. Even Hikari has strong feelings for Amia in return.
Science Guard Party[]
Daisuke Gondo[]
Daisuke Gondo himself was at first a bit suspicious of Amia on first meeting her. But when Amia quickly explained her backstory and intentions in coming to Earth to warn humanity about a traitor to her people, Heller. She also told Daisuke Gondo and the rest of the Science Guard Party members about the pure evil Heller's cruel and unjustly actions in attacking and occupying Amia's homeplanet Planet U-40 and Heller's vile intentions of ruling and conquering the known universe. Daisuke Gondo then vows that he and humanity will use the Ultria to first defeat Heller Empire's forces occupying Earth, and then help Amia and her people liberate Planet U-40 from that vile traitor Heller.
Kei Marume[]
Hiroaki Tobe[]
Mutsumi Hoshikawa[]
Both Amia and Mutsumi Hosikawa get along quite well with one another.
Pigu, Monkey, and Ulook[]
Amia is on good terms with both Pigu, Monkey, and Ulook.
Chief Sakurada[]
Amia is on good terms with Chief Sakurada the head of the Earth Self-Defense Army. As a reasonable-authority figurewith a strong sense of morallity he fully support both the Science Guard Party members and Amia when all of them defied the Earth Self-Defense Army high commands orders to use the U-40 battleship Ultria to liberate both U-40 and the rest of the universe from the evil Heller Empire, with Chief Sakurada himself looking on with a determined smile, wishing them good luck and strongly urging them to help liberate Earth and U-40 from Heller's grasp.
The Great Sage[]
The Great Sage is the ruling figure and current leader of Planet U-40's citizens and its society. He acts as a father figure to Amia who often goes to Earth against his wishes, as Amia is seen as reckless and too young, but he later changes his mind when he orders Amia to travel to Earth to warn their human allies about the return of the evil Heller as his empire.
Elek and Loto[]
Elek and Loto are strong warriors and act as brothers of sorts to Amia.
Amia greatly despises and loathes the villainous and pure evil traitor to her own people, Heller himself, especially when Heller himself threatens Earth and U-40's inhabitants and even at one point holds her planet's leader, The Great Sage himself as a hostage. Amia herself was finally pleased to see Heller killed once in for all.
Amia also despises Heller's own loyal 2nd in command Roygar as well, since Roygar himself is held directly responsible for sending Amia to U-40 as a gift for Emperor Heller even after Roygar himself perishes when his Heller Empire Frontline Base located on Titan near Saturn is finally destroyed.
Heller Empire[]
Amia herself knows fully well that Heller's own fully loyal soldiers will never surrender nor retreat, and cannot be bargained with. Amia herself once disguised herself as one of Heller's soldier's when the Heller Empire battleship she was on had it's engines disabled by a well placed explosive, forcing the vessel itself to crash, which was the only way for her to safely reach Earth and warn humanity about the existence of the Heller Empire Frontline Base located on Titan near Saturn.
- Amia is the first female Ultra to fall in love with a human.
- In the English dub, she was renamed Anya. She was also Ultraman Joneus' girlfriend rather than his sister. The latter is probably a way to make it seem less strange so that Amia developed feelings for her brother's host.