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Heroes Wiki

Andrey is the character of the Russian videogame "SchoolBoy Runaway". He is the protagonist and a Russian schoolboy.


Andrey seems to be quite lazy, selfish and frivolous, especially when it comes to studying at school. He has behavior problems, which is why he is often left for extra classes at school against his will.


His parents[]

He has a difficult relationship with his parents. They will not hesitate to hit and yell at him, as well as call him various rude names. They seem quite abusive and their family has problems. Andrey can create a fake account for a non-existent woman in order to distract his father, who is apparently cheating on his own wife.


  • Andrey was born in 2002, the events of the game take place on May 18, 2015. (As seen on Andrey's computer.)
  • Andrey has a prize for “being the laziest student.”
  • Andrey is known as Andrew in the English version of the game.
  • Andrey may drown and die in one of the endings.
  • Andrey may end up in the Backrooms in one of the endings and be killed by some entity. However, this turns out to be a dream and after that he wakes up in his own room.
  • Andrey had a cat and it died on May 20, 2013.
  • Andrey loves rainbow rings.
  • Andrey is currently 13 years old.
  • Andrey's Mum is called Galya and his Dad is called Gena.