“ | I've got wings to fly, I'm very little, but I've got an agenda y'know? | „ |
~ Angel when Monica overworks him with meaningless things, usch as scaring insects away |
Angel (Anjinho in the original) is a supporting character in the comic book and cartoon series Monica's Gang. Angel (as its name suggests) is a little guardian angel who was sent from heaven to Lemon Tree Street. His main duty is to protect all troublemaking children living on this street, such as the main heroes Monica, Jimmy Five, Smudge, and Maggy.
By having the appearance of a boy the same age as most of the street children he easily becomes friends with everyone, but lives to suffer trying to save the dangers and often ends up picking up and hurting without merit, because he seeks only to protect children, but it is rarely rewarded for what you do. Because of this it is often seen nervous and grumpy, but it is not evil, for he is an angel (literally).
He is supporting that appears more watching the four main protagonists in his adventures.
Angel was a nameless orphan child that died by falling off a cliff just before Jesus Christ was born. When he got to Heaven, Moses named him "Angel". Because of his humility, kindnesss and noble soul, he was turned into a guardian angel. When all angels brought a gift to God, as his Son was born, Angel brought him the most humble and simplest of all, a rose. God liked his gift the most, as it remembered that Jesus wasn't going to be only the king of Heaven, but of Earth and its treasures as well. When the centuries went by, Angel eventually got assgined to protect and look after a group of children in a block from São Paulo, Brazil: Monica's Gang.
Monica's Gang[]
Angel always appears in stories where he has to save Monica's Gang from harm, usually accidents. He protects all kids in the lemon tree neighbourhood, for they are Mnica's gang. A frequent gag in stories is that Monica asks him to "save" her from an insect or ugly creature, such as a rat, though they don't offer any threat to her. He also frequently tries to stop Monica from beating up the boys in Lemon Street, and although she tries to justify it by saying they mock her, he always reminds her no to use violence, and he himself tries to prevent Jimmy and his gang from making jokes on Monica.
Despite often preventing Monica's Gang from doing mischief or fighting, he also looks after their lives, preventing them from being ran over by cars, getting vases dropped on their heads, or falling off cliffs, to the point he has saved the lives of the Lemon Street children hundreds of times.
In one of his most iconic adventures, he, Monica and Smudge prevent Jimmy Five from running up the Heavenly Steps, which would give him heavenly powers, and basically make a new God. However, it was revealed the power would corrupt his mind, and even Satan himself helped prevent it, as he didn't want another divine entity in the world. Angel also helped getting Satan himself off the Steps.
In one accasion, Monica asked for everybody to tell the truth, as she felt the world was too dishonest. Angel then used the Wish Granting Powder without permission, and made Monica's wish true. However, as everybody soon learned, telling the truth always, wasn't a good idea, and people started fighting over things they didn't try to hide anymore. Porblems scalated quickly, as entities such as the Cupid stopped doing their jobs, and Saint Peter gave up on controlling the weather, as some angels said he didn't do a good job. It then started to rain uncontrollably, to the point Angel stated the Apocalypse was started early because of his mistake. He then warned God, who stopped the flood from destroying the world, and gave Angel a warning about meddling with the higher powers. He also used the Forgetting Powder so that everybody would forget what happened.
Monica Teen/Adventures[]
When the Gang is in their teen years, Angel doesn't look after them as much anymore, as they have to live by themselves, but he still looks over them, interact with them and often help them, specially since new children are born in Lemon Street every day. He now prefers to be called Angelo, or Céuboy (with "cèu" being Heaven in portuguese, and it being a parody to Hellboy), however, nobody took this lat name seriously, to the point he stopped trying to make people call him that
In "Shadows of the Past", he tracked down Agnes, a member of the Pitanga Tree Girls, who died and became a shadow monster. Since she is an abomination, as she is living in Earth, not as a ghost, even after her death, and he banished her to Hell, right before she murdered Monica's Gang and a lot of other invitees of a party, all part of her friend's, Penha, plan to destroy Monica's life.
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Monica's Gang Chuck Billy 'n' Folks Tina's Pals Bug-a-Booo The Cavern Clan Lionel's Kingdom The Funnies Horacio's World The Tribe Graphic MSP Monica's Gang Chuck Billy First Series Pitheco First Series Blu Bug-a-Boo Lionel's Kingdom Nutty Ned Tom-Tom Chuck Billy Second Series Captain Fray |