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Heroes Wiki

I've been paid by the people of L.A. to take you out, Calypso!
~ Angela revealing her true mission.

Angela Fortin was one of the chosen drivers in the original 1995 Twisted Metal. She is a secret assassin who is hired to kill Calypso.

She serves as the driver of Pit Viper.


Twisted Metal[]

Hired by the likes of L.A, Angela entered the contest under a false wish for 100,000 dollars. Once she won, she was asked by Calypso to speak her true wish, where she reveals herself and shoot all of Calypso's men and himself down.

Grabbing her money, she leaves the place with fortune. Angela did not return for the second tourament.


  • Angela Fortin is likely named after the SingleTrac developer Jennifer Fortin, who worked on the first game.
  • Angela Fortin (or the developer Jennifer Fortin) is referenced in Twisted Metal (2012). On the map Sunsprings, California there are school buses that roam the level that have Fortin School District written on the side.
  • Angela Fortin is the only female contestant in the first Twisted Metal game.


           Twisted Metal Series LogoHeroes

Twisted Metal(1995)
Agent StoneAngela FortinBruce CochraneBruce Cochrane's GirlfriendCaptain SpearsScott CampbellSergeant Carl RobertsPolice

Twisted Metal 2
AxelCaptain Jamie RobertsKrista SparksMarcus KaneMortimer Scharf

Twisted Metal 4
OrbitalQuatroZanita Corbett

Twisted Metal: Black
Agent StoneBlackDollfaceJohn DoeNo-FacePreacherRavenWarhawkMinion

Twisted Metal: Head-On
Agent ShepardColonel Hall

Twisted Metal (2012)
PreacherHoly Men

TV Shows
Twisted Metal (2023)
John DoeQuietRavenLoudAgent Stone
