"Good morning! Can I help you?" -Angie's first appearance and asking the whale what he wants
"Hot wax? Keel Scrape? We're having a special. What do you say?" -Angie asking the whale about the special at the car wash
Angie doodling her love for Oscar while talking on the phone
"OH MY GOSH! Hi, Oscar!" -Angie startled by Oscar's sudden appearance
Oscar snatches Angie's phone
Angie dramatically pretending to jab herself in the heart with her pen
"Oscar, instead of getting in Mr. Sykes' face with another one of your get-rich-quick schemes, go do something you're actually good at: your JOB. Which, by some miracle, you still have."
"Oscar, why do you get yourself in these situations?" -Angie comforting Oscar on her balcony
Angie giving Oscar her grandmother's pearl to get him out of debt from Sykes
Angie assumes Oscar's proposing to her
He opens the box to reveal...her grandma's pearl made into a necklace
Angie heartbroken seeing Oscar going out with Lola
"Hello Oscar? Forget something. Something like...
"Hello, Oscar, you forgot...your Shark?!" (thanks to Lenny told her everything about Oscar's schemes)
Angie confronts Oscar of having Lenny in the storage room.
"What'd you expect? You just take credit for killing a shark, and then everything be fine and dandy for the rest of your life?"
Angie furiously sees Lola forcefully kiss Oscar.
Angie angrily reads the article of Lola kissing Oscar
"I swear sometimes I wanna take your big dumb dummy head and just...GRRNA!!!"
"PROBLEM?! There's no problem! I don't have any problem! MISS PERFECT IS THE ONE WITH THE PROBLEM!"
"I did!"- Angie yells finally reveals her crush on Oscar.
"Before the money and before the fame, before the lie..."
""To me you were a somebody, Oscar. But now you're nothing...but a fake. A sham. A con. You're a joke."
"Just go! I'm tired of hearing how everything you had in your life wasn't good enough; including me."
Angie arranged by Lola to be held hostage by Lino
Angie gets into Lenny's mouth without knowing that Lenny is trying to help her
Angie was being attacked by bubbles during the battle of Oscar and Lenny's father
Angie literally stuck in a bubble.
"Okay. Somebody needs to get me out of the bubble--today!
Oscar gets Angie out of the bubble.
Angie begins to leave, believing Oscar will continue to live under a lie.
Angie amazed Oscar confessed
Angie moves closer through the crowd.
Angie grins widely, hearing Oscar return her feelings towards him.
Crazy Joe uses Smooching Puppets right in front of the pair.
Angie shrugs off the embarrassment more quickly than Oscar does.
"Oh C'mere you big dumb dummy head!"
"C'mon Everybody's waiting...Mr. Manager!"
Angie dances in her office
Angie happily dancing in her office.
Angie impressed by the shark customers
Oscar and Angie dance on the Whale Wash sign