The Angry Birds are the titular main characters of the popular Rovio franchise of the same name. The birds are named Red (a cardinal), Chuck (a canary), Jay, Jim and Jake (three bluebirds), Bubbles (an oriole), Hal (a toucan), Matilda (a chicken), Bomb (a loon), Terence (a mutated cardinal), Stella (a galah), Silver (a falcon), Melody (a potoo), Jo (superb bird-of-paradise) and The Mighty Eagle (a bald neagle). They strive to protect their eggs from their archenemies, the Bad Piggies, and their leader, King Pig.
The angry birds are best described as colourful birdlike creatures, The actual appearances of the birds vary in species, the cardinals are inconsistent in size, the chickens are large and the eastern bluebirds are tiny, most angry birds do not have limbs and some cannot fly. They are extremely intolerant to physical trauma and most of them are fast in movement.
Angry Birds[]
The birds appear as the player's characters, who must fling them to defeat the Pigs.
Angry Birds Seasons[]
In Angry Birds Seasons, they are accompanied by an exclusive character called Mighty Dragon.
Angry Birds Rio[]
Red, The Blues and Chuck are captured by three smugglers and Nigel holds a "Wanted" poster in Angry Birds Rio. They later return to their home after defeating Nigel in the smuggler's plane. It is unknown how they got back to rescue the dolphin captives (possibly took a ship) based on its sequel film.
Angry Birds Space[]
The game features many of the original characters joined by an additional bird made of ice in Angry Birds Space called Ice Bird.
Angry Birds Star Wars[]
Some birds are represented as the members of Rebel Alliance from the original Star Wars film. They will implement the adventures and strategies against Larth Vader and his minions of Pork Side.
Angry Birds Star Wars II[]
The birds from the previous Star Wars-themed game are returned to the sequel, where the new journey has begun.
Angry Birds Go![]
All birds are appeared in Rovio's first-ever racing game.
Angry Birds Friends[]
They are eventually appeared in Facebook-compatible online game but both Red and Chuck are bots in every tournament.
Angry Birds Stella[]
Only Stella appears in this tropical-themed game with new types of mostly female birds.
Bad Piggies[]
Some birds would appear as obstacles in this spin-off of Angry Birds.
Angry Birds Epic[]
The original five birds appear as playable characters while Mighty Eagle and Terence appear as non-playable characters in this RPG game.
Angry Birds POP![]
All the birds except for Hal, Bubbles and the Mighty Eagle appear as playable characters with some being in the main modes and some being limited time only.
Angry Birds Blast![]
The original five birds and Bubbles are trapped in balloons forcing the player to pop them to free the birds.
Angry Birds Transformers[]
All the birds were transformed into the Autobirds when the EggSpark arrived on Piggy Island though some also became Deceptihogs too.
Angry Birds 2[]
All the birds appear in the direct sequel to the original Angry Birds.
Angry Birds Match[]
Red, Chuck, Bomb and later Silver appear as playable characters while Matilda, The Blues and the Mighty Eagle appear as non-playable characters.
Angry Birds Evolution[]
The original five birds, Terence and the Mighty Eagle appear as playable characters in the game.
Angry Birds POP Blast[]
All the birds except for Hal, Bubbles and the Mighty Eagle appear as playable characters in the game.
Angry Birds Reloaded[]
All the birds appear as playable characters in the game.
Angry Birds: Mayhem Simulator[]
Red sells eggs in the Hatchling Shop. Red, Chuck, Stella, Silver and Bomb appeared as character bundles in the game when it was called Angry Birds: Bird Island with the former three being free and the latter two being required to be purchased with 999 Robux.
Angry Birds Journey[]
Red, Chuck, Bomb, Silver and Stella appear as playable characters in the game.
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