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Anisphia Wynn Palletia, known as Anis, is the titular main protagonist in The Magical Revolution of the Reincarnated Princess and the Genius Young Lady. She is the first Princess in Kingdom of Palettia.


Anisphia Wynn Palletia is a young royal lady with medium-length gold hair and the green eyes. She is also noted to have a rather large bust.


Anisphia Wynn Palletia is well known as Princess Peculiar. Anis is a determinable heroine who always takes care of her best friend in case the tragedy comes.

Powers and Abilties[]

Enhanced Intelligence: Anis with her power possess extreme levels of intellect, enabling them to memorize and calculate vast amounts of information with exceptional precision. She can handle and interpret vast amounts of information at a phenomenal speed, and use their mental capabilities to predict their enemies’ movements and attack trajectories with pure logic alone. She can also apply their intellect to various fields of knowledge, such as science, engineering, medicine, art, and philosophy.

  • Magic Arts: Anis can utilize the Magic Arts, a specialized system of techniques based around magic power. This set of skills is focused on drawing sources of mystical power, spells, mana, essence, magical items and/or possibly calling on magical entities to perform various feats.
  • Sleep Immunity: Anis is immune to any and all forms of control and subordination manipulation, along with that the users are also immune to being possessed as well.
  • Flow Manipulation: Anis can psychically manipulate the power and direction of flow, including the flow of any fluid (water and other liquids), gas (including breathable air), energy (such as heat, electricity and sometimes kinetic energy and light). Some higher-level users can even manipulate the flow of time.


External Links[]
