Anne and Sprig hear a monstrous screech.
Anne carrying Sprig as she runs away from the giant mantis.
Anne and Sprig hide inside a log from the mantis.
Anne being praised by Sprig for saving his life.
"My name's Anne. Anne Boonchuy."
Anne's eyes flash blue for a quick second.
Anne is defended by Sprig.
Anne's sweet smile as she watches Sprig defend her.
Anne about to take something out of her backpack.
Anne holding the Calamity Box as she tries to open it.
"Looks like I'm gonna be here awhile."
In a flashback, Anne enters a thrift store to take the mysterious Calamity Box.
Anne being pressured by her friends to take the Calamity Box.
Stopping at a park, Anne and her friends,
Marcy and
Sasha examine the Calamity Box.
When opening the Calamity Box, Anne, Marcy, and Sasha are magically transported to another world called "Amphibia."
Anne, Sprig, and Polly trying to fix Hop Pop's cane.
"But if I get butt blisters, I'm blaming you."
Anne carrying a crate filled with vegetables.
"Yeah? Well, where I'm from people fixed their crummy houses."
(Hop Pop: "This house is like family! You apologize!") "To a house?"
Anne, Polly, and Hop Pop sitting on the back deck of the house.
(chuckles) "Sorry. Sorry. It's just that Hop Pop delivered the perfect sitcom catchphrase."
Anne and the Plantars seeing lots of corn had been stolen.
Anne, Polly, and Hop Pop hearing Sprig propose they must catch the thief.
Anne and Hop Pop surprised Sprig announces they have to do the stakeout together.
(Hop Pop: "Polly's a baby, Anne.") " Just asking, Hop Pop. Ugh."
Anne hearing Hop Pop reluctantly agreeing to do the stakeout with her.
Anne and Hop Pop through Sprig's telescope.
Anne reading a magazine while Hop Pop keeps lookout.
"Worry about yourself. I'll be fine. I just need a little boost is all."
"Ugh! What is this poison?"
Anne drinking Hop Pop's gourd tea.
Anne and Hop Pop coughing in disgust after they finish each other's drinks.
(laughs) "You should have seen the look on your face. You were dying!"
Anne and Hop Pop talking to each other as they begin to bond.
(Hop Pop: "Always gotta make it about you, don't you? "I'm Anne, and my life is worse than everyone else's."") "Oh, yeah? Well, at least my head isn't a teakettle."
Anne shocked when her hair turns into a shiny blue color.
Anne and Hop Pop seeing bubbles come out of the ground around them.
"Our body chemistry must be so different that we're having crazy reactions to each other's extreme beverage."
"That was the smartest-sounding thing I've ever said."
"Oh, yeah? Well, your gross old mama's tea did this to me!"
Anne and Hop Pop arguing as they are watched by Sprig.
Anne and Hop Pop arguing whose fault it is for drinking whose drink first.
"Stop right there, you-- you... thief?"
Under the drinks' effects, Anne and Hop Pop are horrified to see the "thief" transform into a monster.
Anne and Hop Pop surrounded by green fire.
(Hop Pop: "We've got to take this thing down. Are you with me?") "Til' the end."
Anne and Hop Pop going to fight the corn thief.
Anne and Hop Pop cringing when their "powers" cause an explosion.
Anne and Hop Pop shocked to see the corn thief still standing.
Anne and Hop Pop hallucinating, much to Sprig and Polly's confusion.
"Quick! Grab those power ups!"
Anne and Hop Pop armed with weapons.
The intoxicated Anne and Hop Pop about to attack Sprig.
The intoxicated Anne and Hop Pop thinking Sprig is the corn thief.
"Uh, does the corn thief kinda sound like Sprig to you?"
Anne and Hop Pop shocked to see that they were attacking Sprig.
Anne and Hop Pop shocked to discover that they were hallucinating their encounters with the corn thief.
"Me too. And you... defended me."
Anne and Hop Pop finally bonding with each other.
Anne, Hop Pop, and Sprig fast asleep.
Anne playing baseball, using a scythe.
(Sprig: "Wanna go again?") "Yeah-uh!"
"Shh! Do you hear something?"
Anne and Sprig horrified when they see giant wasps attacking a small caterpillar.
Anne saving the caterpillar.
"This caterpillar looks exactly like my cat Domino from back home."
"I love my cat more than anything in the world. She was irreplaceable. But now I found a replacement. Let's take her home with us!"
"My cat back home was a stray before I adopted her. All it takes is love and patience and... love."
"It's settled. I hereby dub thee "Domino 2." "
"This worked on Domino 1 without fail."
"That's a girl. You can do it. Come on."
Anne approaching Hop Pop.
"Wouldn't it be nice to have a sweet, fuzzy, loving critter around?"
Anne seeing Hop Pop is against the idea of having pets.
"Plan B. We're gonna have to sneak Domino 2 inside."
Anne seeing Domino 2 bite Sprig's leg.
"That is called "play biting." Isn't it cute?"
Anne and Sprig sneaking Domino 2 inside the house.
Anne and Domino 2 hiding as Sprig distracts Hop Pop.
Anne managing to sneak into the basement.
Anne and Domino 2 being woken up by Sprig the next morning.
Anne covered in scratches.
"Oh, this is nothing. We just have to keep an eye on her while she's adjusting. Isn't that right, Domino 2?"
"That's just how she says "I love you.""
Anne having built a cattery for Domino 2.
Anne touched and disgusted when Domino 2 gifts her a dead bug.
Anne dancing with Domino 2.
Anne not bothered when Domino 2 eats her magazine.
Anne, Sprig, and Domino 2 relaxing.
Anne and Sprig admiring Domino 2 as the caterpillar falls asleep.
"Let's go get some grub."
Anne and Sprig eating lots of food.
Anne and Sprig trying to make an excuse when Hop Pop questions what they've been doing all day.
Anne, Sprig, and Hop Pop hearing a loud bang.
Anne and Sprig being questioned by Hop Pop on what the noise was.
Anne, Sprig, and Hop Pop in the basement.
"What the heck is that?"-Anne seeing an open cocoon.
"Domino 2, where are you? Baby precious!"
Anne looking for Domino 2 as Hop Pop scolds Sprig for secretly keeping a pet.
Anne and Sprig listening to Hop Pop explain that Domino 2's species, coastal kill-a-pillars are dangerous frog eating predators.
Anne, Hop Pop, and Sprig as Domino 2 lurks behind them.
Anne, Hop Pop, and Sprig screaming when a fully-grown Domino 2 reveals herself.
Anne told by Hop Pop to keep quiet as Domino 2 will attack if they make a sound.
Anne, Sprig, and Hop Pop hearing Polly barge into the basement, unaware of what's going on.
Anne about to stop herself from running out of the basement.
Anne trying to reason with Domino 2.
Anne peeking out of the basement where she sees Domino 2 attacking the Plantars.
"Oh! She's gonna bite their heads off as soon as she's done toying with them."
"Hey, Domino 2! Over here!"
"Oh, crud."-Anne upon seeing Domino 2 charging at her.
Anne being chased by Domino 2.
Anne coming across at the edge of a cliff.
Anne confronted by Domino 2.
Anne tearfully saying goodbye to Domino 2.
Anne going to throw the mouse toy over the cliff.
Anne returning to the Plantar house where she awkwardly greets the Plantars.
Anne apologizing to the Plantars for nearly killing them by keeping Domino 2.
Anne awkwardly comforting Hop Pop when he admits he misses Charlie Bigbottom, understanding her pain of missing her pet cat.
Anne and Sprig in the basement the next day.
"Well, just goes to show ya. You can't take some wild animal you found in the woods, have it live in your basement, and think everything's gonna be okay."
Anne touched when Sprig says sometimes taking in a stray works out for everyone.
"I love it!"-Anne hugging a doll version of Domino 2.
Anne, Sprig, and Polly pulling weeds from the garden.
Anne hearing Polly admit Hop Pop ignored her suggestion for a swimming pool months ago.
Anne, Polly, and Sprig discovering a fire pit underneath the "Suggestion Barrel".
Anne, Polly, and Sprig confronting Hop Pop for ignoring their ideas.
Anne and Polly watching Sprig argue with Hop Pop.
Anne and Polly seeing tension growing between Sprig and Hop Pop.
Anne watching Sprig and Hop Pop challenging each other for leadership over the farm.
"I'm sure this will make sense in a moment."
"What the heck's going?!"
Anne being told by Polly that their family challenge requires two people pushing each other until someone falls off a lily pad.
Anne and Polly watching Sprig and Hop Pop's brawl.
(both) "Sprig won?"-Anne and Polly surprised that Sprig defeated Hop Pop.
"Sprig's head of the farm!"
Anne, Polly, and Sprig returning to the house.
Anne, Sprig, and Polly saluting to their farm's new flag.
Anne and Polly showing Sprig what they want.
Anne, Bessie, and Polly building a swimming pool.
Anne, Polly, and Sprig sharing a toast.
Anne, Polly, and Sprig watching a clown's performance.
Anne and Sprig stopping Polly from attacking the clown any further.
Anne, Sprig, and Polly partying.
Anne noticing Hop Pop is not around, making her feel worried.
Anne relaxing by the pool.
"Is anyone else like starving?"
Anne looking through a kitchen cabinet.
Anne, Sprig, and Polly not finding any food in the kitchen.
"What are we going to do? I'm getting hungry!"
Anne seeing Sprig offer a pile of beetroots from the farm's garden.
Anne and Sprig cornered by a myriapod-like creature that emerged from the beetroots before she traps it with a bucket.
"I'm beginning to think there's a few things we don't know about running a farm."
The next morning, Anne, Sprig, and Polly seeing their crops dead, their pool covered in mosquitoes, and the farm animals going crazy.
Anne, Sprig, and Polly realizing they destroyed the farm.
(both) "Let's find Hop Pop and put him back in charge."
Anne and Polly trying to convince Sprig to let Hop Pop run the farm again to no avail.
"You thinking what I'm thinking?"
Anne and Polly finding Hop Pop at the Wartwood Cemetery.
Anne telling Hop Pop of Sprig destroying the farm as she begs him to come back home.
Anne and Polly not moved with Hop Pop's calm behavior.
"Sprig sleeps in your bed now."
"Sorry, dude. We had a good run, big ambitions..."
Anne and Polly watching the boys getting ready for their second brawl.
Anne nervously watching Sprig and Hop Pop's second fight.
Anne, Jeremy, and Polly gasping when Hop Pop promises to consider their suggestions.
Anne watching Sprig land in the mud, accepting defeat.
Sometime later, after the farm is restored, Anne and Sprig sweat as they work outside.
After Anne asks for some shade, she and Sprig are provided some by Hop Pop.
"Just when I thought you guys couldn't get any nastier."-Anne disgusted with Hop Pop and Sprig's spitting.
Anne not pleased to hear that Wartwood has a trophy for spitting.
Anne disgusted when she sees Polly also partakes in spitting.
"Wait a second."-Anne as she notices some of Hop Pop and Sprig's gross habits
After taking Polly into town, Anne tells her she shouldn't spend too much time with Sprig and Hop.
"Those guys know what's up."
Anne using Hop Pop's IOUs for payment.
Anne assuring Polly she'll enjoy "girl time."
Anne and Polly at the hair salon.
Anne wearing a new green dress.
Anne eating at Felicia Sundew's tea shop.
Anne disgusted, realizing the scone she ate is made of dung beetles.
Anne saying she used to get massages back homes.
A flashback of Anne using a massage chair.
Anne deciding that she and Polly should go get massages.
Anne and Polly arriving at Tuti's massage place.
Anne and Polly meeting Tuti.
Anne receiving a very painful massage.
Anne seeing that Polly is gone.
Anne paying Tuti with the IOUS before she goes to look for Polly.
Anne finding and confronting Polly for ditching her,
Arguing with Polly, Anne unintentionally reveals she finds her disgusting.
Anne immediately regretting what she said.
Anne being apprehended by Tuti.
Anne shocked to hear the IOUS she'd been using are worthless.
Anne, Sprig, and Hop Pop arrested and sentenced to collect eggs in order to repay their debt.
Anne, Sprig, and Hop Pop horrified when they see they have to collect spider eggs.
Anne, Hop Pop, and Sprig screaming as they are forced into the spider coop.
Thinking fast, Anne spots the trophy for Wartwood's spitting record.
"Hey, mustache! Is that trophy made out of gold?"
Anne convincing the sheriff to have Polly win the trophy to repay the Plantars' debt.
Anne having Polly enter the spitting contest.
Anne, Hop Pop, and Sprig seeing Polly fail the first two times.
Anne realizing Polly is still upset over what she said to her.
Anne apologizing to Polly.
(Polly: "You're always wrong!") "I'm always-Hey! Not always."
Anne and Polly reconcile.
Anne, Sprig, and Hop Pop watching Polly spit at a far length after she and Anne make amends.
Anne cheering when Polly successfully breaks Wartwood's spitting record.
Anne and the Plantars set free once their debt has been repayed.
Anne and the Plantars celebrating their win.
Anne watching Sprig place a statue of Polly made from the piece of the trophy they received on top of a pole.
Anne admitting "girl time" is weird.
Anne hearing Sprig and Hop Pop reveal they enjoy the spa as well.
One day, Anne and Sprig walk through the woods.
Anne hearing Sprig tell her to enjoy nature.
Anne and Sprig hearing something move behind a couple of bushes.
Anne and Sprig finding a gourd having twigs on its head and a smiley face drawn on it.
Anne watching Sprig getting tackled by a female yellow frog.
Anne watching Sprig play dead.
Anne being introduced to
Ivy Sundew who's revealed to be Sprig's sparring partner and childhood friend.
Anne and Ivy shaking hands.
"Well, well, well. She's kinda cute, huh?"
"Well, well, well, well, well, well, well."
Anne still teasing Sprig on having a crush on Ivy.
"This is so exciting! I'm gonna go get my dating magazines. BRB!"
Anne learning of a romantic ritual from Hop Pop.
Anne and Hop Pop being reminded by Sprig that he's engaged to Maddie.
"Uhh! I love these magazines. Look, Sprig. It says here two-thirds of all soul mates start out as "just friends.""
(Sprig: "Wait, what? Really? And you trust these things?") "Definitely. Magazines never lie."
Anne and Hop Pop excited when Sprig agrees to go on a date with Ivy.
Later, Anne and Hop Pop dress Sprig and apply makeup on him to get him ready for the Firefly Formal.
Anne, Polly, and Hop Pop stepping back to look at Sprig's super fancy and tight outfit.
"Great! You'll have something in common."
"This is so exciting. I wonder what their ship name will be. Ivig? Sprigivy?"
Anne, Hop Pop, and Polly watching Sprig and Ivy during the Firefly Formal.
Anne and Polly spying on Sprig and Ivy.
"They say nine out of ten people stay up at night regretting missed romantic opportunities. Nine out of ten!"
Anne, Hop, and Felicia deciding to follow Sprig and Ivy and have them continue the ritual.
Anne, Polly, Hop Pop, and Felicia finding Sprig and Ivy's discarded ceremonial clothing.
Anne, Polly, Hop Pop, and Felicia screaming when they are confronted by two predatory love doves.
Anne, Polly, Hop Pop, and Felicia having been taken to the love doves' nest.
Anne, Polly, Hop Pop, and Felicia getting trapped in love dove saliva.
Anne asking if the love doves aren't gonna eat them, which Hop Pop confirms their prey to be marinated first.
"Guys, it says here that our relationships define us, and nothing else. Nothing else!"
Anne reading her magazine as Hop Pop and Felicia argue.
Anne, Hop Pop, and Felicia when Polly yells at them, saying they're all to be blamed for their predicament.
Anne being called out by Polly for making Sprig go along with the date by following advice from a magazine.
Suddenly, Anne, Polly, Hop Pop, and Felicia see Sprig and Ivy arrive to rescue them.
After escaping from the nest, Anne, Hop Pop, and Felicia apologize to Sprig and Ivy for forcing them to date each other.
Anne, the Plantars, and the Sundews looking at the unconscious love doves after Ivy and Sprig defeat them.
Anne, the Plantars, and the Sundews jumping down from the nest.
As the Sundews, Anne quickly catches Sprig falling in love with Ivy, which he confirms he has.
One day, Anne inspects her hands, noticing how dirty they are.
Anne searching through her backpack for lotion.
Anne finding a bag with the word "Blush" written on it.
"Oh my gosh!"-Anne stunned to see what's in the bag.
Anne bursting out of the house in excitement.
"Guys! I brought a bath bomb from home and didn't even know it!"
"You guys going somewhere?"
(Sprig: "Yep. The three of us are going to Camp Phlegmington. Gonna rough it outdoors and get filthy!") "Wait, without me?"
Anne begging the Plantars to let her come with them.
Anne happy that the Plantars decide to let her come with them.
Anne seeing Sprig going to cover her in honey to avoid getting ticks.
"Totally not regretting this."-Anne covered in honey.
Upon arriving at Camp Phlegmington, Anne is asked by Hop Pop if she really wants to stay with them.
"Hey, hey, hey! Here's an idea. How about we stop questioning my decisions and get to camping together already? Who's with me?"
"Swim away!!"-Anne chased by a giant fish.
Anne having trouble building a tent.
Anne and the Plantars carrying buckets.
Anne seeing a giant spider on her back.
Anne screaming and running as the spider chases her.
Anne and the Plantars in sleeping bags.
Anne about to fall into a spike pit.
"I'm pretty sure those ticks caused internal damage."
Anne removing spikes off her body.
Anne upset when the Plantars assure her that they'll be fine without her during their trip.
Anne refusing to leave the Plantars.
Anne lying, saying that she's not used to "easy" camping.
Anne taking note of the environment.
"I guess I'm just used to something a little more... Extreme."
(Soggy Joe: "So, this place ain't extreme enough for ya?") "Uh, dang right it ain't."
Anne and the Plantars disturbed as they meet a frog survivalist named Soggy Joe.
Anne and the Plantars hearing Soggy Joe promise to take them to an "extreme" campsite.
Anne lying to the Plantars that she would be happy in an "extreme" camping site.
Anne and the Plantars hearing Soggy Joe introduce himself.
Anne and the Plantars following Soggy Joe into a dark forest.
Anne, the Plantars, and Soggy Joe arriving at their destination.
Anne and the Plantars watching Soggy Joe inspect their campsite.
Anne and the Plantars eager for pancakes.
Anne and the Plantars sitting by the campfire.
(Soggy Joe: "Want to hear a tale?") "Uhh..."
Anne, Hop Pop, and Poly glaring at Sprig when he says he wants to hear a scary story.
Anne and Sprig scared as Soggy Joe chronicles the legend of the cannibalistic Mud Men.
Anne and the Plantars scared when Soggy Joe bursts out of a mud pit.
Anne and the Plantars traumatized after hearing Soggy Joe's story.
"Uh... um...(laughs) What? No. I am loving this."
Anne and Sprig screaming when Soggy Joe returns with an axe lodged into his back.
Anne and the Plantars seeing the Mud Men appear before them.
Anne telling everyone to grab a torch.
Anne's torch being put out.
Anne and the Plantars defenseless against the Mud Men.
Anne remembering the Mud Men don't like to get cleaned.
"I have something even better. Everyone, take cover!"
Anne revealing her bath bomb.
Anne throwing the bath bomb.
Anne and the Plantars surviving an explosion from the bath bomb where the Mud Men are revealed to be skinny frogs.
Anne exults with Polly, Hop Pop and Sprig.
Anne hearing Hop Pop praise her for her heroism while commenting how he and his grandchildren were wrong about her.
"Guys, I have a confession."
"This whole extreme camping stuff was nonsense. I was miserable back there. I was just trying to cover it up."
"I guess I've been feeling kind of left out lately. I'm not a frog."
"I'm not a Plantar. Heck, I wasn't even invited on this trip. I really like you guys and wanted to be with you, miserable or not."
Anne and the Plantars sharing a hug.
(Hop Pop: "Next time, we'll include you, Anne, even if we know you'll hate it.") "Thanks, you guys."
Anne and the Plantars screaming in terror when Soggy Joe gets up.
When Soggy Joe reveals to be alive, due to wearing an axe-proof vest, Anne and the Plantars catch him up on everything that happened.
"Guys, now that we've been through a lot, there's something I'd like to share with you."
Showing the music box to the Plantars, Anne explains how it got her to Amphibia.
Anne being promised by Sprig that he and his family will help her get back home.
The kids hearing Hop Pop say he's going to bed.
"You know, Hop Pop, back home we call this a family tree."
Anne, Polly, and Sprig not interested in learning the Plantar ancestry.
The kids groaning in boredom as they don't find any of the Plantar ancestors interesting due to them mostly being farmers.
Anne not buying the Plantar family having layers of history other than just being farmers.
Anne and Polly not satisfied when Hop Pop reveals Polli Anna Plantar was a turnip farmer.
"Well, as much as I'd love to help, not gonna find any of my ancestors on your shrub, so..."
Anne playing a video game on her phone.
"Curse you, sudden death round! Why you so hard?"
Anne continuing to play her video game after Hop Pop leaves to go buy more glue.
Anne and Polly witnessing Sprig accidentally uncover a secret passageway within the fireplace.
"We have to go down there."
When they enter the tunnel, Anne and Sprig hear the entrance having been sealed shut.
Anne and Sprig panicking as they bang on the sealed entrance.
Anne hearing Polly say they'll have to find another way out of the tunnel.
Anne, Sprig, and Polly exploring the tunnel.
The kids gasp when they discover a secret underground laboratory.
"All this was under your house?"
Anne seeing how fascinated Sprig is with the lab.
Anne and Polly looking around the lab.
Anne hearing Sprig say the entrance was sealed to keep it a secret.
Anne creeped out when she finds a vegetable with a face in a jar.
Anne, Polly, and Sprig find documents, discovering the lab belonged to Skip Plantar who was a farmer and a scientist.
When Sprig pulls a lever out of curiosity, Anne, Polly, and Sprig hear a cage door being opened.
Anne, Polly, and Sprig encountering a giant pumpkin monster.
Anne, Polly, and Sprig screaming when the pumpkin monster roars at them.
"What do we do?"-Anne as she, Sprig, and Polly hide from the pumpkin monster.
Anne and Polly watching Sprig going to confront the monster.
Anne and Pollye watching Sprig giving the pumpkin monster a hug.
Anne after Sprig traps the pumpkin monster by deceiving it.
Before Anne, Sprig, and Polly could do anything else, the floor they're standing on collapses.
Having fallen into another secret room, Anne, Sprig, and Polly gasp in awe when they see the room has all kinds of weapons.
Anne seeing Sprig had found Polli Anna Plantar's diary.
"Man, she was in a lot of battles."-Anne having learned from Polly Anna's diary that she took part in many battles.
Anne scolding Sprig after he pulls another lever which activates a death trap.
Looking into Polli Anna's diary, Anne and Sprig learn the death trap was actually her training simulator.
Anne being asked by Sprig how to turn off the stimulator.
"The shut off switch is by the exit on the other side."
Anne and Sprig seeing Polly charging through the obstacles to get to the shut down switch.
Anne and Sprig shocked to witness Polly going through the training stimulator with ease.
After Polly turns off the stimulator, Anne and Sprig go to prevent Polly from turning it back on again.
Anne, Sprig, and Polly finding another secret hidden chamber.
"Oh, cool! This place is filled with games and puzzles."
Anne, Sprig, and Polly looking into which Plantar had this puzzle and game room in a book.
Anne, Sprig, and Polly learning about Emma Plantar who was a newt adopted into the Plantar family.
"I guess even an outsider like me can be a Plantar."
Anne and Sprig's tender moment interrupted when Polly reminds them they need to focus on getting out of the room.
Anne, Polly, and Sprig finding the exit door locked.
"Wait a second. [gasps] Guys, this isn't just a door. It's a puzzle!"
Anne doing the puzzle on the door.
When she finishes the puzzle, Anne, Polly, and Sprig are shocked to see a spiked ceiling starting to descend down upon them.
"Oh, no! I know what this is."
"It's the sudden death round!"
Anne proceeding to do the puzzle's hardest round.
Anne trying to finish the puzzle before the ceiling crushes her and her friends.
"Woo hoo! I did it!"-Anne having completed the puzzle.
After escaping from the room, Anne, Sprig, and Polly are amazed to learn they wrong about the Plantar family history.
Anne and Polly stopping Sprig from pulling another lever.
The kids out of breath after finally escaping the secret rooms through a grandfather clock.
When Hop Pop returns home, the kids reveal their discoveries to him.
Anne eagerly updating the Plantar Family Shrub with Sprig and Polly.
When Hop Pop wants to see the rooms himself, Anne warns him about all of the booby traps and puzzles in the rooms.
When Hop Pop and Loggle go down into the secret tunnel, the kids hear them screaming, prompting them to go help them.
Sometime later, Anne and the Plantars work on making a pizza.
Anne cutting a vegetable.
(Hop Pop: "Where'd you learn how to cut like that?") "My parents actually owned a Thai restaurant back home."
When Anne starts missing her parents, Polly and Hop Pop cheer her up by praising her family business.
Anne, Hop Pop, and Polly seeing Sprig has blown up their pizza.
Anne entering Stumpy's Diner.
Anne and the Plantars being served by
Stumpy, owner of Stumpy's Diner.
Anne listening Sprig explain to her that Albus Duckweeed is Wartwood's harsh and tough food critic.
"A foodie. Say no more. We dealt with snobs like him all the time back home. Just listening to him is driving me crazy."
"Hey. Lay off, buddy. Running a restaurant is hard."
"Well, what does a little lizard like you know about anything? Besides, my parents ran a restaurant back home, so I know what I'm talking about."
(Duckweed: "Well, if your parents are anything like you, I'm sure their restaurant was terrible.") "Oh, yeah? Well, tell you what, then. Why don't you come back in, I don't know, two days or something? And we'll have completely turned this place around."
Anne having made a deal with Duckweed.
"Stumpy, I know I got carried away, but we can do this. The Boonchuy family pride is at stake. What do you say?"
Anne seeing Stumpy is unconfident in saving his business.
Anne feeling bad for putting Stumpy's business in jeopardy.
The next morning, Anne greets Stumpy in the back of his restaurant.
"All night. Couldn't sleep, too excited! So, you ready to beat that critic?"
"What do you wanna start with?"
"Change the menu, redecorate... Burn this place to the ground and start over?"
(Stumpy: "Look, kid, you're on your own. Do whatever you want. It's not gonna make a difference in the end, anyway.") "Oh. That's where you're wrong."
Anne taking out the trash.
Anne getting covered in trash when the bag rips open.
Anne throwing the trash into a garbage lizard.
Anne screaming and running from the garbage lizard.
Anne starting to clean a pile of dirty dishes before Stumpy joins in to help her.
Anne and Stumpy washing the dishes together.
Anne happy to see Stumpy helping her save his restaurant.
Anne and Stumpy cleaning the diner.
Anne and Stumpy looking over the clean restaurant as Wally speaks behind them.
"All we've done is mop the floors and clean some dishes. This place is still a house of broken dreams."
Stumpy and Anne discussing how they're going to impress Duckweed other than with just a clean restaurant.
"If we're gonna impress that critic, we've got a lot more work to do. We need a complete and total transformation."
Anne and Stumpy looking over blueprints of the diner's new look.
Dressed in Thai robes, Anne welcomes frogs to the "Lily Pad Thai" restaurant.
Anne serving food to customers.
Anne with Stumpy as they work in the restaurant.
"That's called hope. We might actually pull this off."
Anne being praised by the Plantars for turning Stumpy's restaurant around.
"Oh, yeah. Score one for Anne."
When the Plantars try to book a table, Anne tells them that all of the tables are full.
Anne and Stumpy surprised to see Albus Duckweed at the restaurant.
Anne and Stumpy confronting Duckweed.
"So, did you like the food?"
When Duckweed plans to post a bad review for the restaurant due to not enjoying it, Anne and Stumpy excuse themselves.
In the kitchen, Anne and Stumpy try to think of another way to impress Duckweed.
"It's time to bring out the big guns. My parents' squid and basil special. No critic in town could resist."
"Hey, we've got a special dinner just for you. Be right back."
Anne and Stumpy dragging a giant kraken into the kitchen.
Anne cooking a kraken in order to impress Albus Duckweed.
Anne and Stumpy cooking the squid and basil special together.
"Gangway, coming through."
Anne serving the squid and basil special to Duckweed.
Anne and Stumpy winking at each other when Duckweed looks impressed with the meal.
Anne, Stumpy, Sprig, Hop Pop, and Polly seeing the kraken revealing itself to still be alive.
"Okay, this is a disaster. I never should have made this dumb wager."
Anne being motivated by Stumpy to defeat the kraken and save the customers.
After the kraken's defeat, Anne is praised for defeating the monster and saving Stumpy's restaurant.
"Stumpy, I'm sorry about all this. I took things way too far."
Anne assured by Stumpy that what she did to his business was a big success.
Anne smiling when Stumpy tells her that her parents would be proud of her for what she did.
Anne and Stumpy sharing a friendly handshake.
Anne and Hop Pop shopping at the market.
"I'm gonna get some of that beetle jerky that I like."
Anne finding the last bag of beetle jerky.
"Hey! That was totally mine, Wally!"
"Hey, don't call me scarecrow!"
Anne being called a scarecrow by Mrs. Croaker.
Anne frowning and crossing her arms after Mrs. Croaker insults her.
Anne being laughed at by everyone in the market when she slips on wet floor.
Anne wishing everyone in the Wartwood to start being nice to her.