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Heroes Wiki

I'm definitionally challenged! Leave me alone!
~ Apple getting mad at MePhone4 after he implies shes stupid.

Apple is a supporting character in the Web-Series "Inanimate Insanity" serving as a female contestant throughout the show.

She servers as a supporting character during Season 1 and a supporting character during Season 2.

She is voiced by Adam Katz


Apple is a circular guardsman red apple with indents on her top and bottom, making her appear rather heart-shaped with two bumps on either of her top and bottom. A la salle green stem and single leaf sprout out at the top of Apple's head. Apple's arms are on either side, and her legs branch out from the two bumps at her bottom.


Ever since her debut, she has shown to not be the smartest of people, as shown as a gag she has where she asks what a word means whenever its spoken, she was shown to be quite vengeful and rude during season 1, as when Marshmallow "ruined" christmas for her, she berates her for the rest of the season until shes eliminated. However during season 2, she doesn't show this side of her mostly due to no one angering her that much.

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           Inanimate Insanity Logo Heroes

MePhone4 | MePhone4S | MePad | Toilet | The Floor

Season 1
OJ | Paper | Pickle | Bow | Apple | Marshmallow | Paintbrush | Lightbulb | Balloon | Nickel | Knife | Baseball
Season 2
Suitcase | Test Tube | Microphone | Fan | Soap | Cheesy | Box | Yin-Yang | Cherries
Season 3
Cabby | Candle | Bot | The Floor | Goo | Clover | Silver Spoon | Tea Kettle | Life Ring
Inanimate Insanity Infinity Contestants

MePhone3GS | Baxter | Springy | Light Shimmers (The Baby Shimmer | The Prime Shimmer)
