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Heroes Wiki

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What are you waiting for? GO!
Look alive, people! Rest now and we die... Let's move!
~ Aradus

Aradus is one of the main protagonists of the unfinished 2023 Roblox game HELLMET. He acts as the squad leader of Fireteam 6.


Not much is known about his early life. He was most likely drafted into the Nusian military from a young age. Aradus was a war veteran and possibly suffered some sort of trauma during his combat as shown by his detached thought of speaking. At some point, Aradus became friends with Pronto, although not much is known about it.

During the events of Decovenant, he and Calar found Kaska in another room almost adjacent to theirs, so the group picked him to be leader of Fireteam 6.
