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Aranea Ienith is a Dunmer priestess of Azura who proctects the shrine of Azura outside of Winterhold in The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim. Aranea wears blue mage robes and boots like most mages.


Like many Dunmer, she is known to worship one of the more benevolent Deadric Princes (or in this case Mistress) Azura. Playing the role of only a side character in the game, she can be encountered atop Azura's shrine just outside Winterhold. She will tell the Dovahkiin that Azura's star has been stolen and asks them to recover it from Ilinalta's Deep, where an exiled mage from the College of Winterhold preformed unorthodox rituals with the Deadra artifact.

Once the Dragonborn has located and collected the broken artifact, they can take it back to her, where she and Azura will restore it to its original state, and from then on, it can be used as an infinite source for collecting white souls (souls of non-sapient creatures such as mammoths or Dragon Priests).

Afterwards, Aranea will tell the Dragonborn that she has stopped receiving visions from Azura, and if she can be of any further assistance, can be recruited as a follower. As a follower, she is known to frequently conjure atronachs. While she can not become a potential spouse, she can however be inducted into the Blades.


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