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Arcana also known as Genodonov is a major protagonist from the book and anime series The Misfit of Demon King Academy. She is a god of the selection, known as the God of Absurdity, and is the selector of Anos Voldigoad.

She is voiced by Nao Toyama in Japanese and Emi Lo in English.


Arcana looks like a kid of pale skin with golden eyes and short silver hair. She dresses in white clothes covered by a white tunic with gold details. On his head he wears a tall white hat with gold details. Also, she shoes a pair of white boots with gold tips.


Arcana initially has the demeanor of a composed and stoic divine figure, as carries expressionless face most of the time. While seemingly emotionless, she showed that she isn't a traditional god like Nosgalia, who only care about order and disregard mortals and their feelings. This is because having forgotten her divine name and memories, she gained a heart, which allowed her to feel emotions that gods shouldn't be capable of feeling. Due to gaining emotions, she wanted to save people but her ordeal with the grieving father damaged her self-esteem and made her question her worldview. According to Misha, looking into Arcana's abyss felt like she was suffering of a parched thirst. As though she were wandering through an endless desert with no water. The reason for that is that her guilt over the events made her try to find an answer to if it was possible to save everyone at once, with her progressively losing hope over the inability to come up with a proper answer.

After losing the holy war against Anos, she was finally content due to him providing her an answer, as found a new resolve to atone for her sins by dismantling the Selection Trial, which was causing mortals more tragedy for the sake of the gods' convenience.


            Misfit demon king maou gakuin logo Heroes

Main Cast
Anos Voldigoad | Misha Necron | Sasha Necron

Misa Ilioroagu | Jessica Arnet

Eleonore Bianca | Lay Glanzudlii | Gusta Raizeo | Izabella Raizeo | Menō Historia | Emilia Ludwell | Reno | Shin Reglia | Arcana
