Heroes Wiki

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Heroes Wiki
Heroine Overview

Looks are always deceiving.
~ Arcee.

Arcee is a female Autobot, usually pink in color. Being the most famous of the Female Transformers, she has two primary forms. Her personality also varies, in the original series, she was friends with Daniel Witwicky and was briefly binary-bonded as a Headmaster with him, while her Prime incarnation portrays her as being a female Autobot who likes to work alone.

In Generation 1, she as voiced by Susan Blu who also voices Aimee Brightower from Galaxy High School and Stormer from Jem and the Holograms.



Although a group of Female Autobots had already been featured in one episode of the original cartoon series, Arcee quickly became the most famous due to her position as a recurring cast member following her introduction in The Transformers: The Movie. In the movie, it was implied that Arcee might have had feelings for Hot Rod, but since his transformation to Rodimus Prime she seemed to grow closer to Springer.

Voiced by Susan Blu, Arcee was a gunner and was depicted as being an excellent marksman. In the Season 3 introduction, "Five Faces of Darkness", she accompanies Springer on a mission to track down a sleezoid ship. The mission eventually reunites them with Grimlock and Rodimus Prime. They also go onto rescue Ultra Magnus, Kup, and Spike Witwicky from the clutches of the Quintessons.

Arcee would appear sporadically over the course of the season, and even kept her main character status into the fourth season dubbed "Rebirth". She was a major player in "Dark Awakening", being among the crew zombie Optimus Prime betrayed aboard the mausoleum. And, in "Dweller in the Depths", she is seen fighting back against Springer when he is turned into an energy vampire. In Only Human, Ultra Magnus, Springer, Rodimus Prime, and Arcee found their minds transferred into human-mimicking "synthoid" bodies by the human crime lord Victor Drath.

In the final three episodes of the US television series, when the Decepticons successfully stole the key to the Plasma Energy Chamber and opened the ancient device, a group of Autobots and humans included Arcee and Daniel Witwicky were blasted across the galaxy by the energy release, crash-landing on the planet Nebulos. Quickly siding with a group of rebels engaged in a war against the planet's evil rulers, the Hive, they deduced a process by which they could combine the best of their minds and bodies together, becoming Headmasters. While the other Autobot Headmasters combined with Nebulons, Daniel became Arcee's Headmaster partner in order to save his live after he was critically injured by Snapdragon as he attempted to save Arcee from being bitten by him.

Marvel Comics[]

Aside from an adaptation of the movie, Arcee was initially ignored by both the US and UK comics. She eventually joined the rest of the movie characters in the UK story "Space Pirates", where she was among the Autobots stationed on Earth. Bored with guard duty, she abandoned her post for a pleasure trip, only to return to find it had been taken over by the Quintessons, who quickly subdued her as well. She was used as bait for Rodimus Prime, allowing the Quintessons to ambush him and take the Matrix, turning him back into Hot Rod. With the aid of Steeljaw, Ramhorn, and Rewind, Arcee held the Quintessons at bay while Hot Rod activated Metroplex and managed to recover the Matrix.

In "Time Wars", Arcee discovered Soundwave and the Terrorcons trying to tap the energy of the earth's core and stopped them with Kup and Red Alert. She accompanied Rodimus Prime back to 1989 in order to stop the time storm caused by Galvatron's presence in the past, displacing Brainstorm and several other present day Autobots into limbo. This led to Fortress Maximus and the remaining present day Autobots thinking the newcomers were an enemy and attacking them: Arcee was injured by Swoop and had to be saved from Slag by Ultra Magnus. Once the two groups joined forces, Arcee took part in the battle with Galvatron and Megatron, being among the few still standing to witness Galvatron destroyed by the time rift shortly before it was sealed, after which they returned to the future. The storyline continued in "Aspects of Evil" where Arcee and the others discovered they had changed history so Galvatron remained Decepticon leader in the future and had control of Cybertron, wiping out Blurr's outpost and trying to drive Rodimus Prime insane in order to corrupt the Matrix.

Arcee's origin was revealed in "Prime's Rib": Optimus Prime had her created in 1995 to appease feminists complaining all the Autobots were male, although they saw her as a token stereotype. Despite this, when Shockwave turned up with a trio of Decepticon Headmasters and took down Optimus Prime, Hot Rod and Jazz, Arcee managed to drive the group off. She was also present for the opening of Autobot City, helping defend human dignitaries from Shockwave.

In the Dark Rodimus arc, Arcee was among the Autobots evacuating Cybertron for Earth. When their ship was sabotaged, Arcee was able to restart the engines, bringing them in to a relatively smooth landing. The saboteur was Rodimus Prime himself, possessed by Unicron. Arcee tried to convince Kup to use lethal force against their rogue leader but Kup managed to break Unicron's hold on him by removing the Matrix, although Unicron remained inside it ready to try again.

Arcee's last chronological appearance was in the final "Aspects of Evil" segment where she was present for another attack on Cybertron by Unicron, who Galvatron had freed from the Matrix. Rodimus Prime was able to contain him but showed signs of being possessed again. This storyline was never resolved.


Of all the main characters of the movie and third season, Arcee never received a toy during the series' original run, likely due to Hasbro believing the toy's pink color scheme would lead to boys (the toyline's main audience) considering her "too girly". In the end, Arcee's G1 incarnation did not receive a proper toy until 2014, as part of the Generations toyline. Her Energon and Animated counterparts did receive toys, though, indicating a change in Hasbro's business plans. The first G1 Arcee toy was a BotCon 2001 exclusive, though it was nothing more than a repainted (the official term in the fandom is "redeco") of the Beast Wars character Blackarachnia in her TransMetal 2 form, but with an added voice chip featuring a new line recorded by Blu.


            TransformersG1Title Generation One Heroes

Optimus Prime | Bumblebee/Goldbug | Arcee | Jazz | Ironhide | Wheeljack | Ratchet | Hound | Prowl | Sideswipe | Sunstreaker | Blurr | Mirage | Skids | Hoist | Tracks | Windcharger | Blaster (Steeljaw, Ramhorn, Eject, Rewind) | Red Alert | Smokescreen | Trailbreaker | Bluestreak | Beachcomber | Inferno | Huffer | Rodimus Prime | Grapple | Ultra Magnus | Skyfire | Sky Lynx | Cliffjumper | Kup | Brawn | Tailgate | Gears | Outback | Metroplex | Sandstorm | Cosmos | Omega Supreme | Perceptor | Springer | Broadside | SeaSpray | Pipes | Warpath | Wheelie | Wreck-Gar | Sentinel Prime

Grimlock | Slag | Sludge | Snarl | Swoop
Silverbolt | Fireflight | Slingshot | Skydive | Air Raid | Superion
Hot Spot | Groove | First Aid | Blades | Streetwise
Scattershot | Lightspeed | Strafe | Nosecone | Afterburner
Rollbar | Wideload | Chase | Searchlight | Freeway
Fortress Maximus | Highbrow | Chromedome | Hardhead | Brainstorm
Pointblank | Crosshairs | Sureshot

Cartoon exclusive
Alpha Trion | Elita-One | Chromia | Firestar | Moonracer

Comics exclusive
Scrounge | Impactor | Emirate Xaaron | Wreckers (Roadbuster, Topspin & Twin Twist, Whirl) | Primus | Grotusque | Fizzle | Sizzle | Guzzle | Waverider | Cloudburst | Landmine | Getaway | Joyride | Slapdash | Backstreet | Dogfight | Override | Landfill | Roadhandler | Freewheeler | Tailspin | Swindler | Chainclaw | Nightbeat | Siren | Hosehead | Powertrain | Mudslinger | Highjump | Fixit | Seawatch | Stakeout | Big Shot | Flak | Quickswitch | Quickmix | Scoop | Doubleheader | Pincher | Longtooth

Spike Witwicky | Sparkplug Witwicky | Daniel Witwicky

Cartoon exclusive
Carly Witwicky | Chip Chase | Rauol | Astoria Carlton-Ritz | Marissa Faireborn

Comics exclusive
Buster Witwicky | Jesse | G.B Blackrock | Joy Meadows | Susan Hoffman | Cindy Newell
Comics exclusive
Death's Head
