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Arcee is a major character in Transformers Energon, serving as the leader of the Omnicons.

A headstrong and feisty Omnicon, Arcee is eager to prove she's as capable a warrior as any other Autobot. She can manipulate and refine raw energon easily; her mastery of the Energon Bow is almost legendary. Unlike other Omnicons, there are not lots of her.



Arcee was evolved though the power of Energon as a feminine idol for the Onmicons to aspire to as they mined Energon.

Transformers Energon[]

In Survival Instincts, when an energon-deprived Unicron began attacking all the intruders occupying his dormant body, Primus summoned Arcee and sent her to reinforce the Autobots. She served to rally the Omnicon forces and speedily brought Kicker Jones through the dangerous interiors of Unicron. After she and Kicker managed to breach his defenses, the Omnicons provided Unicron's core with Energon stars, calming down the dormant Chaos Bringer's violent tendencies.

To be added



Power and skills[]



  • Her backstory was mostly lost in the English dub of Energon
  • In Superlink, she was referred to as Ariel, the original name of Elita-One.
  • In the Japanese storyline Alternity, Arcee/Ariel takes on a humanoid form called by Elita Seven. 

