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A whole year in Rome and I never saw you look at any man the way you looked at that slave.
~ Ariadne.

Ariadne is the secondary character of the 2014 romantic disaster film, Pompeii. She is the servant of Cassia.

Ariadne is portrayed by Jessica Lucas.


Ariadne has long, black hair in braid, brown eyes and darker skin. She wears Roman dresses, but without jewelry.


Ariadne, being slave, whom main role in Severus household is serving Cassia, is her very close friend and it is clearly seen, that Cassia treated her the same. Ariadne is fully devoted to Cassia, and she is always trying to help her, even when her mistress was kept captive by Corvus’ legionaries. Although she was very scared when Vesuvius eruption started, she stayed with Cassia to the very end, still trying to help, even after Roman soldiers ran away. Ariadne completely deserved to be considered as Cassia's true friend, even equal to a good sister.


Ariadne, as Cassia's servant and close friend, was accompanying her in Rome. She was with Cassia in the carriage, when one of its horses has broken its leg in accident. She observed, how Milo, slave gladiator being led to Pompeii, who wanted to help the horse and was let to do it on Cassia demand, helped it by breaking its neck. After it was done and Cassia returned to the carriage, Ariadne criticized Milo, calling him brute for killing the animal, but her lady explained her, that it was the kindest thing to do.

When both women continued their voyage, Ariadne underlined Cassia’s interest on Milo noticing, that she did not look at any man during her lasting a year staying in Rome like at that slave. When they arrived at Pompeii and their carriage was halted due to crowds during Vinalia feast, she went to Cassia's villa by foot with her.

In the evening next day, Severus, the Pompeii governor and Cassia's father, has organized party to honor Roman senator Quintus Corvus, who is believed to be emperor’s emissary responsible for donating imperial funds for investments in the town. Ariadne saw, that Milo was put on the display, so she brought over Cassia to show him to her. Ariadne called him “a fine specimen”. Then she witnessed, when Severus took a goblet of wine and took Cassia to some important guest.

After quakes Ariadne saw Milo and Cassia riding Vires outside of stables. When they were brought back by Corvus soldiers, she witnessed how Cassia was arguing with Corvus to save Milo’s life and stayed close to her, giving some solace to Cassia when Bellator were flogging Milo with fifteen lashes, as a penalty for abducting of the governor’s daughter.

Then Ariadne was helping Cassia in her chambers, combing her hair. They discussed the situation with Milo and senator Corvus.

On the next day, the day of gladiator games and Vesuvius eruption, Ariadne stayed at villa, while Cassia with her parents went to coliseum. When Cassia is dragged there by Corvus’ men and locked in the storeroom, surprised Ariadne was trying to learn what is going on, but was pushed away by the soldiers, who ignored Cassia’s protests in her defense.

After volcano eruption started, Ariadne asked fleeing soldiers to give her the key to the room, but did not get it. The villa started to disintegrate: the walls began to give way and roofs fell under the hail of volcanic bombs. When Milo has arrived to save Cassia, she showed him the way to the storeroom, so he could pry its door open, and she accompanied him, while he was carrying her to the more secure part of the building. She brought Cassia a cup of water; for that, Cassia thanked her and called Ariadne her “sister”. Unfortunately, when Ariadne went for more water, the cliff villa was located on started to slip into the sea. Ariadne, being surprised and scared, did not manage to reach to Cassia and Milo before the ground escaped from under her feet, and she fell down to her death, making Cassia grieving for her.


Look over there. The slave who can talk to horses. He is a fine specimen. Well, you can't deny it.
~ Ariadne to Cassia about Milo, who was standing as “exhibit” in villa during the party.
He made you feel alive.
~ Ariadne to Cassia about Milo, after he was punished.

