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Heroes Wiki

Atlanteans are a heroic species published by DC Comics, they are a group of human underwater species that possess superpowers to defend their kingdom from threats.

In most versions that they appear on, they are controlled by Aquaman's evil half-brother Orm but are later freed by Aquaman and Mera.

Powers & Abilities[]

  • Atlantean Phisiology
  • Amphibious Nature

Superhuman Abilities[]

  • Strength
  • Speed
  • Durability & Agility
  • Stamina

Enhanced Abilities[]

  • Hearing
  • Vision
  • Smell Sense

Natural Abilities[]

  • Swimming & Diving


Atlanteans are first mentioned in "Zatanna's Magician Action Comics #17" and "Zatara Action Comics #18". As proven in "Batman #19", they are ruled by an emperor. The Germans found the Atlanteans' kingdom to use it as if it's their own base but the base was figured out by Batman and Robin without being notified to them. More information about the Atlanteans were found out in Robert Bernstein and the late Ramona Fradon's "Aquaman Adventure Comics #260", it was told that they've made it based on Atlantis from Greek Mythology. And as DC Comics' generations went on, more members of the species that were revealed such as the members of the royal family, Tempest (Garth), Aqualad (Jackson Hyde), and many more.


  • Some Atlanteans are based on Greek Myths.
    • Aquaman is based on Poseidon from Greek Myths.
  • In most versions, Orm, a member of the Atlanteans, is the only one who serves as a villain in most of DC Comics. Therefore, he serves as just a neutral character in some versions as well.