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Heroes Wiki

I so wanted it all to be true. We must make sure the Brotherhood never reaches Earth no matter what!
~ Augie

Augustus "Augie" O'Neil is a minor character in the 2003 Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles series. He is a scientist and the uncle of April O'Neil.

He was voiced by Marc Thompson.


Augie O'Neil taught math and science to his niece April and fostered her love in these subjects. While he was not often able to see her as he was frequently traveling, they made the most of their time together, which included baking cookies and visiting museums.

One day, Augie was transported to another dimension via a strange artifact of his. He recorded his discoveries in a journal. In this realm, he found a large puzzle cube inside a temple, which would be the key to returning home if he could correct the position of the cube. Although he cracked the secret of the cube's puzzle, his endeavor was threatened by the native giant wasps. When he attempted to dial Earth, he was interrupted by the wasp queen and reached another dimension instead.

Augie was transported to a dimension populated by a race of giant bipedal lizards called the Brotherhood. He started helping them build a transportation device that would take them to Earth, where the Brotherhood claimed they wanted to introduce their technology to help the population. At some point later, Augie sent a message of his location to April and her sister Robyn. Using his artifact, April and Donatello were teleported to the world where Augie stayed. Augie soon reunited with April and met Don. While Augie continued working on the machine, Donnie explored the dimension and overheard the Brotherhood discussing their true plan to devour the people of Earth.

Don warned Augie and April about the Brotherhood, but it was difficult for Augie to believe it. The lizards then dropped their benevolent facades and chased after them. Augie, April and Don escaped to a place in the city where the Brotherhood had forbidden Augie from entering. They discovered a massive pile of bones belonging to the Zodats, the original inhabitants of the world. Don accessed the city archive, where they learned that the Brotherhood had conquered the dimension and destroyed the Zodats. It finally dawned on Augie that the Brotherhood had been using him all along. He vowed to end their plot of conquest, but at that moment the lizards caught up with them and captured him, while Don and April escaped. The Brotherhood forced Augie to complete work on the machine and shield it from magnetic devices that destroyed the machine's ability to transport. However, Augie, April and Don used it to travel to the dimension of the wasps instead. April and Don destroyed the transportation device of that world with magnetic charges as they were about to be teleported to Earth, trapping the Brotherhood in the wasp world. On Earth, Augie reunited with Robyn, and he and April told her about his adventures.


           TMNT-Logo-Original Heroes

Mirage Comics: Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (Leonardo | Raphael | Donatello | Michelangelo) | Splinter | Hamato Yoshi | Utroms
Archie Comics: Golani
IDW Comics: Leonardo | Raphael | Donatello | Michelangelo | Jennika | Hamato Yoshi | Utroms | Angel | Alopex | Venus

1987 TV series: Leonardo | Raphael | Donatello | Michelangelo | Splinter | April O'Neil | Irma Langenstein | Casey Jones | Fugitoid | Buffy Shellhammer | Mona Lisa | Lotus Blossom | Renet Tiley
2003 TV series: Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (Leonardo | Donatello | Raphael | Michelangelo) | Splinter | April O'Neil | Casey Jones | Hamato Yoshi | Utroms (Mortu) | Justice Force | Fugitoid | Leatherhead | Karai | Dr. Chaplin | Agent Bishop | Traximus | Zog | Miyamoto Usagi | Nanobots | Renet Tilley | Baxter Stockman & Hun (Alternate Future) | The Ancient One | Augie O'Neil | Tang Shen | The Ninja Tribunal | Cody Jones | Serling | Starlee Hambrath
2012 TV series: Leonardo | Raphael | Donatello | Michelangelo | Splinter | April O'Neil | Casey Jones | Karai | Ice Cream Kitty | Dr. Cluckingsworth | Fugitoid | Kirby O'Neil | Bishop | Mutanimals | (Slash | Leatherhead | Dr. Tyler Rockwell | Pigeon Pete) | Mona Lisa | Sal Commander | Utroms | Metalhead | Shinigami | Miyamoto Usagi | Mondo Gecko | Muckman | Jack Kurtzman | Alopex | Renet Tilley | Zeno the Triceraton | Bebop | Rocksteady
Rise of the TMNT: Leonardo | Donatello | Raphael | Michelangelo | Splinter | April O'Neil | Todd Capybara | Frankenfoot | Piebald | Karai
Tales of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Leonardo | Raphael | Donatello | Michelangelo | Splinter | April O'Neil | Leatherhead | Wingnut | Ray Fillet | Scumbug | Pigeon Pete | Anamika Khatri | Harold | Lee the Eel | Mustang Sally

TMNT 1, 2, & 3: Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (Leonardo | Donatello | Raphael | Michelangelo) | Splinter | April O'Neil | Casey Jones | Danny Pennington | Keno | Jordan Perry | Mitsu | Max Winters
TMNT (2007 film): Leonardo | Ralphael | Michelangelo | Donatello | Splinter | April O'Neil | Casey Jones | Karai
TMNT (2010 films): Leonardo | Splinter | Raphael | Michelangelo | Donatello | April O'Neil | Casey Jones
Rise of the TMNT: The Movie: Leonardo | Donatello | Raphael | Michelangelo | Splinter | April O'Neil | Casey Jones
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Mutant Mayhem: Leonardo | Raphael | Donatello | Michelangelo | Splinter | April O'Neil | Bebop and Rocksteady | Leatherhead | Mondo Gecko | Wingnut | Ray Fillet | Scumbug
