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August Corbin is a major character in Tv Show Sleepy Hollow.

He was the long-time partner and mentor of lieutenant Abbie Mills and father of Joseph Corbin. He worked with Jenny Mills for found artifacts to try to get answers for the mysterious events occurring in Sleepy Hollow. He knew about the mysteries of Sleepy Hollow than he let on which led to Ancitif foretelling his fate to die at the hands of the Headless Horseman.

He was portrayed by Clancy Brown.


During a break at a table August tells Jenny he wants to retire and join the FBI Academy. Jenny has asked them if this is a way to escape the past, but he doesn't answer. After the break they got a call to investigate Fox Creek Stables. August was killed beheaded by Abraham Van Brunt.


            Sleepy Hollow logo Heroes

Ichabod Crane and Variants
Original | Disney | 1999 | Sleepy Hollow

The Witnesses
Ichabod Crane | Abbie Mills | Molly Thomas | Lara Thomas

Continental Army
Abigail Adams | Benjamin Franklin | George Washington | Thomas Jefferson | Arthur Bernard

Sisterhood of Radiant Heart
Katrina Crane | Alfred Knapp | Grace Dixon

Westchester County Police Department
August Corbin | Frank Irving | Devon Jones | Luke Morales

Katrina Van Tassel (1999) | Young Masbath | Diana Thomas | Jenny Mills | Nick Hawley | Joseph Corbin | Jake Wells | Alex Norwood | Cynthia Irving | Lena Gilbert | Macey Irving | Seeley Booth | Temperance Brennan
