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Heroes Wiki
Aurora (AL)

Aurora (Russian: Авро́ра) is a 1900 Russian protected cruiser, currently preserved as a museum ship in Saint Petersburg. Aurora was one of three Pallada-class cruisers, built in Saint Petersburg for service in the Pacific.

She served during the Russo-Japanese War. Aurora also survived the Battle of Tsushima and was interned under US protection in the Philippines, and eventually returned to the Baltic Fleet.



  • Her skill "Cannon Fire that Marked a Change of Era" is a reference to the October Rebellion. Her Captain was killed during the February Rebellion and the crew took control of her. On 25 October 1917 a blank shot was fired from her forecastle gun. This signaled the assault on the Winter Palace and the beginning of the Communist Era.


  • She frequently mentions the dawn and being the ruler of light/mornings. This comes from her name. Aurora is the Latin word for dawn and was the name of the Roman Goddess of Dawn.
  • Then rest of her lines are mostly Russian stereotypes. Being extremely resilient to the cold, wrestling bears, and loving vodka.