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Australia is one of the supporting characters first appeared in Hetalia: Axis Powers. He is a resemblance of Britain due to his several colonies and an acting older brother of Wy, who is implied to be on herself as a country. Volume 4 character notes have rumored that Australia is being courageous regardless of the environment and has wild personality just like what he did to his wild food.

For legal holiday events, Australia states that he finds the idea of a cold Christmas surprise in Christmas 2011. And he is portrayed as a reckless, wild individual who neglects his plans in the event of Halloween 2013. So he was described as a type to mingle someone one moment and chase after a cat passing to the next one.

In anime, he is voiced by Keiichiro Asai in the original Japanese version and Tyson Rinehart in English-dubbed version.


            Hetalia logo Heroes

Main characters
Italy | America | Germany | Japan | France | England | China | Russia

Sweden | Finland | Denmark | Norway | Iceland

Lithuania | Latvia | Estonia

The Other Germanics
The Netherlands | Belgium | Liechtenstein | Luxembourg | Austria | Switzerland

Sealand | Wy | Ladonia | Seborga | Molossia | Kugelmugel | Nikoniko

The Other Slavs
Poland | Ukraine | The Czech Republic | Romania | Moldova | Hungary | Bulgaria | Slovakia

The Rest of Asia
Taiwan| Hong Kong | Vietnam | Macau | South Korea | Turkey | Thailand

Other Countries
Monaco | Australia | Seychelles | Spain | New Zealand | Greece | Canada | Cuba
