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I hit my head very hard. See how swollen it is?
~ Bailey

Bailey is a major character in Finding Dory. He is a beluga whale that Dory befriends in the Marine Life Institute. He is also in the neighboring tank with Destiny.

He is voiced by Ty Burrell, Leonard Samson in the Marvel Cinematic Universe, and Mr. Peabody in Mr. Peabody & Sherman.




Bailey is a plump beluga whale with smooth, white skin and a bulbous head. His flippers and tails are short and he has lavender eyes and white teeth.


  • Even though Bailey and Destiny escaped their exhibits at the Marine Life Institute, beluga whales in real life are only found in the chilly waters of the Arctic Ocean.


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           Finding Nemo Logo Heroes

Finding Nemo: Marlin | Dory | Nemo | Mr. Ray | Bruce, Anchor, and Chum | Tank Gang (Gill, Jacques, Gurgle, Peach, Deb, Bubbles, & Bloat) | Nigel | Tank | Crush | Squirt | Coral
Finding Dory: Jenny | Charlie | Hank | Destiny | Bailey | Fluke and Rudder
