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If it's the war you're referring to, I'm on the side of Whiterun.
~ Balgruuf the Greater

Balgruuf the Greater is the the Jarl of Whiterun and one of the major supporting characters in The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim. He is perhaps the second Jarl the Dragonborn meets in game, after Ulfric Stormcloak, as well as one of their first allies. Originally neutral during the Skyrim Civil War, he later sides with the Imperial Legion after learning Ulfric Stormcloak's true intentions.


Main Questline[]

The Dragonborn is told by either Hadvar or Ralof to travel to Whiterun to speak to the Jarl about the dragon attack in Helgen as they are concerned that Riverwood could be next. When they first speak to him, he is a bit skeptical; however, he tells him/her that his court mage, Farengar Secret-Fire, could use the Dragonborn's help after being warned of the dragon threat and Riverwood, which is in Balgruuf's hold, may be next. Despite arguments from his steward, Proventus Avenicci, that this could provoke Jarl Siddgeir of Falkreath Hold, Balgruuf orders his housecarl, Irileth, to send a detachment of Whiterun Hold Guards to Riverwood to protect it. In the meantime, Farengar is trying to locate a tablet known as the Dragonstone, located inside the Nordic crypt Bleak Falls Barrow. The Dragonborn is advised to travel there to retrieve it, and after returning, meets the court mage's one-time assistant (who is actually Delphine in disguise).

Afterwards, one of the Jarl's guards alerts Balgruuf that a dragon is attacking the Western Watchtower just outside the city. Balgruuf's suspicions are proven true, so he sends Irileth, the Dragonborn, and several guards out to the tower to slay it.

After successfully defeating the dragon, the Dragonborn absorbs its soul, astonishing all the guards (but not Irileth), one of which tells him/her to reveal this fact back to the Jarl.

Upon returning to Jarl Balgruuf, the Jarl reveals what it means to be the Dragonborn and rewards the Dragonborn with the title of Thane and assigning Lydia as their housecarl.

Later, if the Civil War has not ended, the Greybeards will ask the Dragonborn to contact both leaders of the civil war's belligerents and tell them to meet in High Hrothgar about convincing them to temporary ceasefire and help deal with the more serious Dragon War. Jarl Balgruuf will attend if he is still the Jarl of Whiterun, as part of the Imperial delegation, but if he has been ousted from power, Vignar Gray-Mane will attend instead as part of the Stormcloak delegation.

Civil War[]

Balgruuf is initially neutral on his views behind the current civil war between the Imperial Legion and the Stormcloaks. However after slaying the dragon at the Western Watchtower outside Whiterun, he will decide to side with the Imperials, thus tipping the scales in favor of the Imperial Legion with five of Skyrim's nine holds now remaining loyal to the Mede Dynasty and Third Empire. He will hand the Dragonborn an axe he received from Ulfric as a means to determine if he would join or oppose the Stormcloaks. Returning the axe back to Ulfric reveals that this action is an act of war, and Ulfric decides to invade Whiterun. General Tullius had already sent Imperial Legate Quentin Cipius to oversee reinforcing Balgruuf's Hold Guards with Imperial Legionnaires to defend Whiterun, alongside Tullius' second in command, Legate Rikke. If the Dragonborn decides to side with the Imperials, they will battle the invading Stormcloak army just outside the city walls. Upon them calling off the attack and retreating, Balgruuf gives a speech commending all his loyal soldiers, as well as thanking the Dragonborn for helping defend his city.

Alternatively, if the Dragonborn sides with the Stormcloaks, he/she will invade the city and battle Balgruuf and Irileth in Dragonsreach, after defeating them, Balgruuf will become angry upon being overthrown and brand Ulfric and the Dragonborn as traitors before being sent into exile at the Blue Palace in Solitude while Vignar takes over as Jarl with Ulfric's support.


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Eternal Champion | Hero of Daggerfall | Nerevarine | Hero of Kvatch | Dragonborn | Vestige

Nine Divines / Aedra
Akatosh | Arkay | Dibella | Julianos | Kynareth | Mara | Stendarr | Talos | Zenithar

Delphine | Esbern

Arngeir | Einarth | Wulfgar | Borri

Ysgramor | Kodlak Whitemane | Skjor | Farkas | Vilkas | Aela the Huntress | Njada Stonearm | Ria | Athis | Torvar

Imperial Legion
General Tullius | Legate Rikke | Hadvar

Stormcloak Rebellion
Ulfric Stormcloak | Galmar Stone-Fist | Ralof

Brynjolf | Karliah

Isran | Beleval | Celann | Durak | Florentius Baenius | Gunmar | Ingjard | Lynoit | Mogrul | Ollrod | Saliah | Sorine Jurard | Tilde | Vanik | Vori

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Azura | Meridia | Peryite | Sheogorath | Barbas | Nocturnal

Law Enforcement
City Watch | Skyrim Guards

Uriel Septim VII | Martin Septim | Elisif the Fair | Balgruuf the Greater | Neloth | Lydia | Tolfdir | Onmund | Brelyna Maryon | J'zargo | Mjoll the Lioness | Benor | Uthgerd the Unbroken | Jenassa | Marcurio | Kharjo | Erandur | Aranea Ienith | Valdimar | Serana | Shadowmere
