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I'M AN APE!!!!
~ Barb's catchphrase.

Barb is the secondary antagonist-turned-supporting character in the 2013 American computer-animated comic science fiction comedy film, Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs 2. She was the pet and assistant of Chester V.

She was voiced by Kristen Schaal who also voiced Mabel Pines in Gravity Falls, Trixie in Toy Story series, Louise Belcher in Bob's Burgers and Herself in Scooby-Doo and Guess Who?.


She is a short, obese anthropomorphic orangutan with purple skin, long arms, short legs, and orange fur covering most of her body except her face, hands and feet, and she has shoulder-length orange hair which she keeps tied in a ponytail. Her outfit consists of an orange vest similar to the one her master Chester V, and the Thinkanaughts wear. When she becomes one of Flint's friends she removes the vest, this is done so a few moments after Sam says, "If he really was your best friend, would he call you... monkey?"


She was helping Chester V since the latter was a young man. She later introduces Flint to the Live Corp in the competition of becoming a Thinkquanaut. After Flint loses, she comes to his doorstep into convincing him to come back. She also spies on the protagonists helping Chester to brainwash Flint but fails. She later kidnaps Flint's friends and Sam says "If he really was your best friend, would he call you... monkey?" which Barb starts to redeem herself. Then Chester says "Help me monkey", which Barb shouts "I'M AN APE" fully redeeming herself to help Flint to defeat Chester. After Chester's defeat, she laters becomes Flint's assistant.


  • She dislikes being called "Monkey", preferring "Ape" instead.
  • She used to work for the LIVE (AKA EVIL) CORP until Chester V betrayed her, with Chester V saying he's better off working alone.
  • In the end she asked Steve for a date. Steve kept saying Dinner which she approved right away.
  • She is an orangutan, and orangutans are apes, which is mostly why she didn't like being called a monkey.
  • She stronger than seven time human as she able to lift Flint and others in real life, orangutan is stronger seven time than humans.

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           Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs logo Heroes

Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs: Flint Lockwood | Sam Sparks | Steve the Monkey | Tim Lockwood | Brent McHale | Officer Earl Devereaux | Manny
Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs 2: Barry | Barb | Foodimals
