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Heroes Wiki

Barf Bag is a female contestant in Battle for Dream BFDI and Battle for Dream Island: The Power of Two.

She is voiced by Cary Huang in BFDI, but Kenzie Bryant voices her during BFB.


She is a recycled paper bag with vomit inside in BFDIA 13, but as of BFDI, is named "Baggy" and does not have vomit inside, and is armless.


Battle for Dream Island[]

She was previously named "Baggy" and does not have vomit inside.

Battle for Dream Island Again[]

She gets in the Tiny Loser Chamber once again like in BFDI, and her name changed back to Barf Bag from Paper Bag as of BFDIA 13.

Battle for BFDI[]

She becomes a recurring contestant during the season, but as of BFB 16, she quits to join TPOT.

The Power of Two[]

She is the first to be eliminated in the season as of TPOT 13.

External Links[]

Barf Bag on the Battle for Dream Island Wiki



X | Two

Death P.A.C.T.
Black Hole | Fanny | Gaty | Lightning | Liy | Marker | Pen | Pie | Pin | Remote | Tree
Barf Bag | Basketball | Blocky | Bomby | Book | Bubble | Coiny | Donut | Firey | Flower | Gelatin | Ice Cube | Leafy | Lollipop | Loser | Match | Needle | Pencil | Ruby | Snowball | Spongy | Taco | Teardrop | Tennis Ball | Winner | Woody
