Baron Leltoy is a major protagonist in Bakugan Battle Brawlers: New Vestroia. He battles using the Haos attribute and is a major fan of Dan Kuso to the point of embarrassing him sometimes.
Baron is currently 12 years old, and is the youngest and most emotional of the Resistance. He is a major fan of the battle brawlers and will do whatever it takes to impress them. He had confidence issues at the beginning having lost Tigrerra to Spectra although once he beats Shadow he becomes more confident.
Barron first appears battling Spectra Phantom and his Helios with Tigrerra and Nemus unfortunately she losses and is kidnaped much to Barron's shock. Later he meets Dan Kuso and Marucho Marukura and fans over them and Drago once Ace Grit brawls Dan he watches and notices how even they are. Once Dan and Marucho get into the resantce and trains with Dan telling him how he lost Tigrera to Spectra. Mira Fermin tells Barron to get into shape or else leave the Retance. Shadow Prove later appears challenging Baron to a battle after a tough fight he wins taking 3 of Shadows Bakugan regaining his confidence. later he has a practice match with Dan and Drago although the match ends early.
After Dan loses to Gus Grav he and Marucho help him train for a rematch. During the rematch he meets Shun Kazami who helps Dan beat Gus and Spectra. He then directs the team to Alpha city.
In the city he helps Dan get to the controller by attacking guards. When Runo Misaki appears in NV barron becomes shocked and joins Dan and Mira in helping her get back to earth. While on Earth he battles Lync Volan and beats his alltair with help from Piercian. Barron gets excited to be shown earth and has fun on a amusment park
External Links[]
- Baron Leltoy on the Bakugan Wiki
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Main Heroes Secondary Heroes Bakugan Six Ancient Warriors |