Castle Ninja Baron Owl is a crusader knight World Ninja and a hero in Sekai Ninja Sen Jiraiya.
Baron Owl was one of the World Ninjas who came to Japan after hearing from the Sorcerers Clan that the clay board containing the location of the Pako was in the possession of the Yamaji. He agreed to assist Org Ninja Dokusai in his effort to recover the clay board.
Baron Owl later showed up during the battle between Jiraiya and Retsukiba and attacked both of them, leading Retsukiba to speak out in outrage as he thought Baron Owl had allied with them. After Retsukiba left, Baron Owl faced off against Jiraiya and asked where Tetsuzan Yamaji, the master of the Tokagure school, only to learn from Jiraiya that he was unable to come out due to an injury he had sustained earlier. After realizing Jiraiya was Tetsuzan's son, Baron Owl chose to ride off, having had his fill of battle for the day.
Baron Owl was later approached by Dokusai, who proposed an alliance between them to steal the clay board. Baron Owl refused, revealing that he knew of Dokusai's intentions to betray him and that he had also made similar deals with other World Ninjas. Baron Owl then revealed that his goal was to obtain the Pako and use it as a way to mourn the Christians who had been executed under Feudal Japan past persecution of Christianity.
Baron Owl later showed up to duel Jiraiya again after his skirmish with Benikiba and a mysterious white ninja. Their fight was overlooked by three Karasutengu, who hoped to swoop in and steal the clay board once both sides were exhausted from fighting. However, Jiraiya and Baron Owl took notice and drove them away. After fighting Jiraiya to a draw, Baron Owl deemed him a worthy protector of the Pako and rode off once more.