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~ Bart West-Allen

Bart West-Allen is a supporting character in The Flash. He is the son of Iris West-Allen and Barry Allen/The Flash and the younger brother of Nora West-Allen/XS. Like his father and sister, Bart is a speedster who inherited his dad's connection to the Speed Force and is known as Impulse. He is also the archenemy of August Heart/Godspeed, and called The Adversary.

He is portrayed by Jordan Fisher.


Early Life[]

Bart Allen was born in 2030 to Barry and Iris West-Allen and raised alongside his sister, Nora. When he had trouble with differentials math homework, Chester P. Runk, an old family friend of his parents, helped him. He was taught how to control his powers and how Wally taught him how to meditate. The person he loved most was senior speedster Jay Garrick, who he and Nora loved as an uncle. He saw Bart's impulsiveness as a strength and not a weakness.

At some point before or during 2049, Bart became a vigilante in Central City along with his sister. However, Bart became angry when August Heart/Godspeed murdered his uncle Jay right in front of him. Bart became known as the Adversary to the Godspeed Clones.


Bart was impulsive and always eager to rush into danger without getting the information first. Similar to his father, Bart is an exceptional singer, excitable and a fast talker. Despite his bickering with his older sister, it is evident that Bart and Nora love each other when they use their powers protecting Central City. He loved his uncle Jay Garrick. In a potential future, Godspeed murdered Jay, which angered Bart similar to how Barry felt towards Eobard when he killed Bart's grandmother. However, in the new timeline, Jay is still alive because of the West-Allen siblings' actions.

Powers and Abilities[]


  • Speed Force connection/Meta-human physiology: Bart has a connection connection to the Speed Force, powers he inherited from his father, Barry Allen.
    • Accelerated healing factor: As a speedster, Bart has a faster healing factor than humans do
    • Superhuman speed
      • Time travel: Bart and Nora both traveled back in time in 2021
  • Bodily vibrations: Like most speedsters, Bart can vibrate his body for various effects.
    • Intangibility: Bart can make his body intangible and penetrate solid matter by vibrating his molecules at a natural frequency of air.
    • Invisibility: Bart can vibrate his body so fast, he will be unseen to everyone else.
  • Electrokinesis: Bart produces yellow electricity when he is super speeding.
  • Superhuman durability: Bart's inhuman resistance is due to his momentum build-up. He can survive impact upon a strong exertion that would be fatal to humans.
  • Superhuman stamina: Bart can handle the stresses of extreme racing without noticeable distress, letting his function much longer than normal humans unhindered.


  • Skilled hand-to-hand combatant: Bart was able to combat Godspeed’s clones with both his powers and fighting skills.
  • Singing: Like his father, Bart became an excellent singer at his parents' renewals of their marriage vows.
  • Expert marksman: During the Godspeed War, Bart hit three of Godspeed’s clones with the shuriken constructed from his lightning.


  • Impulse Suit: Bart wore a protective suit while fighting crime.


  • Bart in the Arrowverse is a combination of Don and Bart Allen, Barry and Iris' son and grandson.
  • Bart was going to appear in Season 8 of the Flash but due to the COVID-19 pandemic, he was introduced in Season 7.
  • Nora is seven years older than her brother.
  • This is the second live-action incarnation of Bart Allen, the first being the one in Smallville.



           Arrowverse logo Heroes

Oliver Queen/Green Arrow | John Diggle | Felicity Smoak | Thea Queen | Laurel Lance (Earth-1) | Quentin Lance | Sara Lance | Tommy Merlyn | Shado | Nyssa al Ghul | Lyla Michaels | Ray Palmer | Curtis Holt | Rene Ramirez | Rory Regan | Dinah Drake | Laurel Lance (Earth-2) | Roy Harper | Malcolm Merlyn | Slade Wilson | Helena Bertinelli | Tatsu Yamashiro | Anatoly Knyazev | Vigilante | Mari McCabe | Mia Queen | Connor Hawke | William Clayton | Zoe Ramirez | Monitor

The Flash (CW)
Barry Allen/The Flash | David Singh | Iris West-Allen | Cisco Ramon | Caitlin Snow | Joe West | Eddie Thawne | Ronnie Raymond | Martin Stein | Jefferson Jackson | Wally West | Jesse Chambers Wells | Harry Wells | Jay Garrick/The Flash | H.R Wells | Cecile Horton | Ralph Dibny | Nora West-Allen | Harrison Sherloque Wells | Leo Snart | Kamilla Hwang | Allegra Garcia | Chester P. Runk | Nash Wells | Bart Allen | Monitor | Meena Dhawan | King Shark | Harrison Wells

John Constantine | Zed Martin | Chas Chandler

Mari McCabe/Vixen

Legends of Tomorrow
Sara Lance/White Canary | Ray Palmer | Mick Rory | Leonard Snart | Jefferson Jackson | Martin Stein | Kendra Saunders | Carter Hall | Rip Hunter | Amaya Jiwe | Nate Heywood | Zari Tomaz | Wally West | Leo Snart | John Constantine | Ava Sharpe | Gary Green | Zari Tarazi | Behrad Tarazi | Damien Darhk | Nora Darhk | Charlie | Monitor | Esperanza Cruz

Kara Danvers/Supergirl | Alex Danvers | James Olsen | Winn Schott | Cat Grant | J'onn J'onzz | Superman | Lena Luthor | Maggie Sawyer | Mon-El | M'gann M'orzz | Imra Ardeen | Querl Dox | Nia Nal | Kelly Olsen | Lois Lane | M’yrnn J’onzz | Andrea Rojas | Monitor

Freedom Fighters
Ray Terrill/The Ray

Black Lightning
Jefferson Pierce/Black Lightning | Jennifer Pierce | Anissa Pierce | Lynn Stewart | Peter Gambi | Bill Henderson | Khalil Payne | Grace Choi | Jeremiah Holt | Brandon Marshall | TC | Gardner Grayle | Erica Moran | Hassan Shakur

Kate Kane/Batwoman | Ryan Wilder/Batwoman | Luke Fox | Mary Hamilton | Jacob Kane | Sophie Moore | Julia Pennyworth | Monitor

Superman & Lois
Clark Kent/Superman | Lois Lane | Jordan Kent | Jonathan Kent II | Sam Lane | Lana Lang | Kyle Cushing | Sarah Cortez | Chrissy Beppo | John Henry Irons | John Diggle | Natalie Lane Irons

The Flash (CBS)
The Flash | Julio Mendez (Earth-90) | Tina McGee (Earth-90)

Clark Kent (Earth-167) | Lois Lane (Earth-167) | Superman (Earth-96) | Barry Allen (unknown Earth) | Helena Kyle | Lucifer Morningstar | Ryan Choi | Stargirl | Wildcat | Hourman | Dr. Mid-Nite | S.T.R.I.P.E. | Jason Todd

A.R.G.U.S. | D.E.O. | Justice Society of America | Paragons | Team Supergirl | Team Arrow | Team Flash | Legends | Legion of Super-Heroes | Freedom Fighters
