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Bascal is the founder of the Demon Peace Party and a supporting protagonist in Akumaizer 3.

He is voiced by Akira Kamiya.


Bascal was born as the son of Kirinda, a defector from the Akuma Clan who was blackmailed into fighting the Akumaizer 3, but was instead helped by them. Bascal founded the Demon Peace Party with the goal of ousting the current warmongering regime in the Akuma Clan and ending the war against humankind. He recruited Noppelar, Noppelar Jr. and Namenameda into the Demon Peace Party after all of them were persuaded to defect by the Akumaizer 3.

While the Akumaizer 3 fought to defend humanity from the Akuma Clan's attacks, Bascal and his fellow Peace Party members worked to garner popular support for the Akumaizer 3 in Downworld. After the Akumaizer 3 defeated most of the Akuma Clan captains, the Akuma Clan military leaders Mezalord and Geberu brought most of their forces to the surface to mount an all-out attack. While they were gone however, the Demon Peace Party ousted the remaining warmongers from power and reformed the Akuma Clan.

Bascal and the rest of the Demon Peace Party then departed to the surface to assist the Akumaizer 3 in dealing with the remnants of the pro-war side under Mezalord and Geberu. He helped teach the Akumaizer 3 the "New Light Attack", which they used to defeat Mezalord so he couldn't use his regeneration powers, leaving only Geberu and his master Gulver.

However, Gulver gave Geberu the Immortal Shield, making him virtually invulnerable to all of the Akumaizer 3 and Peace Party Four People's attacks. The Akumaizer 3 and Demon Peace Party learned from Bagoda of the "Akumaizer Attack" that could penetrate the Immortal Shield, but that it would kill the Akumaizer 3 if used. Not wanting the Akumaizer 3 to sacrifice themselves, Bascal joined Noppelar and Namenameda in attemptin the attack on Geberu themselves, but were unable to penetrate the Shield and only killed instead. The Akumaizer 3 tried to prevent their deaths but were unable to, giving them the resolve to perform the attack themselves and kill Geberu.


           Akumaizer3 logo Heroes

Akumaizer 3
Xavitan | Evil | Gabra

Touto Times
Ippei Shima | Jun Nagisa

Demon Peace Party
Bascal | Noppelar | Noppelar Jr. | Namenameda

Darunia | Yoshiko Arisawa
