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Hun And Stockman
Aw, crud!
~ Hun's last words before he and Stockman are stomped by Ch'rell

In an alternate future, where Ch'rell ruled Earth, Baxter Stockman's brain was attached to an aged, disabled Hun. They worked with Donatello (who had been stranded in this dystopia by Ultimate Drako), the Turtles resident to that alternate reality, and April O'Neil in an attempt to overthrow the Shredder once and for all. When they went to face him for the final showdown, Hun begged Ch'rell to take them back. But Ch'rell refused and stomped both of them flat. After April and Donatello manage to survive the war, all of their friends' deaths were avenged before Donatello was removed from the alternate timeline.


  • This marks the first time they side with the turtles instead of The Shredder.


           TMNT-Logo-Original Heroes

Mirage Comics: Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (Leonardo | Raphael | Donatello | Michelangelo) | Splinter | Hamato Yoshi | Utroms
Archie Comics: Golani
IDW Comics: Leonardo | Raphael | Donatello | Michelangelo | Jennika | Hamato Yoshi | Utroms | Angel | Alopex | Venus

1987 TV series: Leonardo | Raphael | Donatello | Michelangelo | Splinter | April O'Neil | Irma Langenstein | Casey Jones | Fugitoid | Buffy Shellhammer | Mona Lisa | Lotus Blossom | Renet Tiley
2003 TV series: Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (Leonardo | Donatello | Raphael | Michelangelo) | Splinter | April O'Neil | Casey Jones | Hamato Yoshi | Utroms (Mortu) | Justice Force | Fugitoid | Leatherhead | Karai | Dr. Chaplin | Agent Bishop | Traximus | Zog | Miyamoto Usagi | Nanobots | Renet Tilley | Baxter Stockman & Hun (Alternate Future) | The Ancient One | Augie O'Neil | Tang Shen | The Ninja Tribunal | Cody Jones | Serling | Starlee Hambrath
2012 TV series: Leonardo | Raphael | Donatello | Michelangelo | Splinter | April O'Neil | Casey Jones | Karai | Ice Cream Kitty | Dr. Cluckingsworth | Fugitoid | Kirby O'Neil | Bishop | Mutanimals | (Slash | Leatherhead | Dr. Tyler Rockwell | Pigeon Pete) | Mona Lisa | Sal Commander | Utroms | Metalhead | Shinigami | Miyamoto Usagi | Mondo Gecko | Muckman | Jack Kurtzman | Alopex | Renet Tilley | Zeno the Triceraton | Bebop | Rocksteady
Rise of the TMNT: Leonardo | Donatello | Raphael | Michelangelo | Splinter | April O'Neil | Todd Capybara | Frankenfoot | Piebald | Karai
Tales of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Leonardo | Raphael | Donatello | Michelangelo | Splinter | April O'Neil | Leatherhead | Wingnut | Ray Fillet | Scumbug | Pigeon Pete | Anamika Khatri | Harold | Lee the Eel | Mustang Sally

TMNT 1, 2, & 3: Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (Leonardo | Donatello | Raphael | Michelangelo) | Splinter | April O'Neil | Casey Jones | Danny Pennington | Keno | Jordan Perry | Mitsu | Max Winters
TMNT (2007 film): Leonardo | Ralphael | Michelangelo | Donatello | Splinter | April O'Neil | Casey Jones | Karai
TMNT (2010 films): Leonardo | Splinter | Raphael | Michelangelo | Donatello | April O'Neil | Casey Jones
Rise of the TMNT: The Movie: Leonardo | Donatello | Raphael | Michelangelo | Splinter | April O'Neil | Casey Jones
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Mutant Mayhem: Leonardo | Raphael | Donatello | Michelangelo | Splinter | April O'Neil | Bebop and Rocksteady | Leatherhead | Mondo Gecko | Wingnut | Ray Fillet | Scumbug
