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You will lose everything... once Branded. The symbol of the curse. An augur of darkness. Your past. Your future. Your very light. None will have meaning, and you won't even care. By then, you'll be something other than human. A thing that feeds on souls. A Hollow.
~ Unknown narrator

The Bearer of the Curse is the main protagonist of Dark Souls II. An adventurer from a far away land, he travelled to Drangleic in order to seek a cure to their undeath and the curse of hollowing.



The Bearer of the Curse became undead at some point, hollowing until they had no recollection of their former life. Desperate to find a cure, they were drawn to the walled off kingdom of Drangleic, where a cure to the undead curse was rumored to exist. Journeying through a portal and guided by a Fire Keeper, the Bearer of the Curse found themselves in the Things Betwixt. Finding there a hut with the remaining Fire Keepers, the Bearer of the Curse is made to remember more of their past and is cured of their hollowing through a Human Effigy. The Bearer is then guided towards Majula to seek the Emerald Herald.

The Herald, in turn, tells the Bearer of the Curse to seek the king, Vendrick, to find their answers and claim the throne, but warns that the Bearer will never find the king with a soul so pallid, instructing them to seek out the four Great Ones and to claim their power.


           Dark Souls logo black.svg Heroes

Dark Souls
Alvina | Anastacia of Astora Andre of Astora | Big Hat Logan | Black Iron Tarkus | Chosen Undead | Crossbreed Priscilla | Darkmoon Knightess | Domhnall of Zena | Dusk of Oolacile | Eingyi | Elizabeth | Giant Blacksmith | Griggs of Vinheim | Gwynevere, Princess of Sunlight | Hawkeye Gough | Ingward | Kingseeker Frampt Laurentius of the Great Swamp | Lord's Blade Ciaran | Oscar, Knight of Astora | Oswald of Carim | Quelana of Izalith | Reah of Thorolund | Rickert of Vinheim | Shiva of the East | Sieglinde of Catarina | Siegmeyer of Catarina | Snuggly the Crow | Solaire of Astora | Witch Beatrice

Dark Souls II
Alsanna, Silent Oracle | Bearer of the Curse | Benhart of Jugo | Blacksmith Lenigrast | Cale the Cartographer | Captain Drummond | Carhillion of the Fold | Chancellor Wellager | Cromwell the Pardoner | Darkdiver Grandahl | Emerald Herald | Felkin the Outcast | Grave Warden Agdayne | Laddersmith Gilligan | Lonesome Gavlan | Lucatiel of Mirrah | Magerold of Lanafir | Manscorpion Tark Maughlin the Armorer | Merchant Hag Melentia | Milfanito | Rosabeth of Melfia | Saulden, the Crestfallen Warrior | Steady Hand McDuff | Stone Trader Chloanne | Straid of Olaphis | Sweet Shalquoir | Vengarl of Forossa | Weaponsmith Ornifex

Dark Souls III
Amnesiac Lapp | Anri of Astora | Ashen One | Company Captain Yorshka | Cornyx of the Great Swamp | Emma, High Priestess of Lothric Castle | Eygon of Carim | Filianore | Fire Keeper | Greirat of the Undead Settlement | Horace the Hushed | Irina of Carim | Karla | Ludleth of Courland | Orbeck of Vinheim | Rosaria, Mother of Rebirth | Shira, Knight of Filianore | Shrine Handmaid Siegward of Catarina | Sirris of the Sunless Realms | The Painter | Yoel of Londor | Yuria of Londor
