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Ryu Hayabusa Mature
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Bedlam is a supporting protagonist in the movie Deadpool 2. He is a member of X-Force.

He was portrayed by Terry Crews, who also portrayed Dwayne Camacho in Idiocracy, Julius Rock in Everybody Hates Chris, Hale Caesar in The Expendables films, and Terry Jeffords in Brooklyn Nine-Nine and also voiced Officer Earl in Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs 2.


Bedlam answered an ad posted by Deadpool on LinkedIn to join his newly-formed "X-Force" mutant team. He auditioned by demonstrating his powers on Wade and Weasel, which led to both of them quickly adding him to the roster. Along with the other recruits, Bedlam was briefed on X-Force's first mission: rescuing Russell Collins from Cable by intercepting his prison convoy.

The plan was to parachute onto the target, but while aboard the plane, Bedlam struck up a conversation with fellow team member Peter, who warned against jumping due to strong winds. Despite the warning, Bedlam and the others leaped into action to save Russell. Unfortunately, the fierce winds caused Bedlam to lose control of his parachute, crashing into an oncoming bus and sustaining injuries. He was last seen receiving CPR, though it's likely he survived the collision, as his physique would likely have withstood the impact.


          X-MenMovieLogo Heroes

Archangel | Anole | Armor | Banshee | Beast | Broo | Bishop | Blindfold | Boom-Boom | Cable | Caliban | Callisto | Cannonball | Chamber | Changeling | Charles Xavier | Cypher | Colossus | Cyclops | Danger | Darwin | Dazzler | Deadpool | Doctor Nemesis | Dust | Elixir | Emma Frost | Fantomex | Firestar | Frenzy | Forge | Gambit | Gentle | Graymalkin | Havok | Hellion | Hepzibah | Husk | Iceman | Ink | Jean Grey | Joseph | Jubilee | Juggernaut | Karma | Lady Mastermind | Lifeguard | Lizard | Lockheed | Longshot | Maggott | Magma | Magneto | Marrow | Marvel Girl | Mercury | Mimic | Ms. Marvel | Multiple Man | Mystique | Namor | Nate Grey | Nightcrawler | Northstar | Omega Sentinel | Petra | Pixie | Polaris | Prodigy | Psylocke | Rasputin IV | Revanche | Cecilia Reyes | Rockslide | Rogue | Sage | Shadowcat | Skids | Spider-Man | Stacy X | Storm | Sunfire | Sunspot | Surge | Sway | Thunderbird | Warlock | Wolf Cub | Wolfsbane | Wolverine | X-23

X-Men: Wolverine | Professor X | Jean Grey | Cyclops | Storm | Shadowcat | Nightcrawler | Iceman | Beast | Colossus | Magneto | Mystique | Archangel‡ | Havok† | Banshee† | Darwin† | Quicksilver | Bishop | Blink | Sunspot | Warpath | Negasonic Teenage Warhead | Rogue | Selene Gallio
Non X-Men Mutants: Jubilee | Kayla Silverfox | Gambit | Deadpool | Emma Silverfox | Yukio | Caliban† | X-23 | Wolfsbane | Magik | Cannonball | Mirage | Lockheed
X-Force: Deadpool | Danielle Moonstar | Cable | Domino | Peter | Bedlam | Shatterstar | Zeitgeist | Vanisher | Firefist
Humans: Moira MacTaggert | Kenuichio Harada | Mariko Yashida | Vanessa Carsyle | Dopinder | Weasel | Blind Al | Peter

X-Men (1992)
X-Men: Charles Xavier | Cyclops | Beast | Bishop | Gambit | Magneto | Jean Grey | Jubilee | Psylocke | Rogue | Storm | Wolverine | Angel | Morph | Polaris | Cable | Colossus | Iceman | Imperial Guard | Moira MacTaggert | Nightcrawler | Starjammers | X-Factor

X-Men: Evolution
Charles Xavier | Cyclops | Jean Grey | Rogue | Storm | Shadowcat | Wolverine | Nightcrawler | Beast | Iceman | Spyke | Angel | New Mutants | Alex Summers | X23 | Boom Boom | Forge | Colossus

Wolverine and the X-Men
Wolverine | Scarlet Witch | Emma Frost | Jean Grey | Cyclops | Nightcrawler | Beast | Storm | Rogue | Shadowcat | Iceman | Forge | Tildie | Angel | Colossus | Charles Xavier | Bishop | Berzerker | Domino | Firestar | Hellion | Kamal | Marrow | Polaris | Rover the Sentinel | Vanisher | X-23 Clones

Marvel Anime: X-Men
Charles Xavier | Cyclops | Storm | Beast | Wolverine | Armor | Emma Frost | Deadpool | Archangel | Colossus | Nightcrawler | Rogue | Jean Grey | Captain Britain

To be added.

The Gifted
Thunderbird | Erg | Polaris | Evangeline Whedon | Eclipse | Esme Frost | Andy Strucker | Caitlin Strucker | Lauren Strucker | Thunderbird | Zingo | Blink | Dax (Legion) | Doctor Kelsey | Dreamer | Erg | Elsa | Fade | Mark | Michael | Naya | Pedro | Pulse | Raghav | Randall | Reed Strucker | Sage | Shatter | Side-Eye | Skyer | Thomas | Trader | Wes | Zion | Blink | Morlocks

X-Men '97
X-Men: Cyclops | Beast | Bishop | Gambit | Magneto | Jean Grey | Jubilee | Rogue | Storm | Wolverine | Angel | Morph | Cable | Colossus | Imperial Guard | Nightcrawler | Charles Xavier

See Also
X-Men Movie Heroes
