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Heroes Wiki
Hero Overview
Sodor engines are all heroes to me!
~ Belle, Day of the Diesels

Belle is a large tank engine fitted with water cannons and a member of the Search and Rescue Team.


When Belle first arrived on Sodor, she helped Thomas and Percy put out a fire at an old farm shed. Belle later advised the Fat Controller to bring Flynn to Sodor. When the Vicarstown Dieselworks was on fire, Belle and Flynn put out the fire just in time.

Belle later tried to befriend Toby when she learned that they both had bells. At first, she did not understand that Toby was an older engine that may not like the same things she does, but she soon realised her mistake and they are now firm friends.

Belle attended the welcome party for Sir Robert Norramby and tried to help in the search of Stephen when he went missing.

When some railway inspectors questioned whether the Fat Controller needed two fire engines, she and Flynn became worried. She beat Flynn to two consecutive fires, but tried to comfort him when he subsequently became depressed. Her words did not do much to lift Flynn's spirits. She stayed on guard at the fireworks display at Ulfstead Castle when Flynn refused to do it; when Flynn was called to another fire at Brendam Docks, they both realised that Sodor really does need two fire engines after all.

When a whale was beached at Bluff's Cove, Belle and the rest of the Rescue team came to help put it back in the water. She suggested Toad sing to it while they took it to Brendam to be released back into the ocean. She and the other members of the Rescue Centre attended the team's 1000th rescue and helped out Percy and Diesel at the Old Quarry. After Rocky fell off the tracks near Ulfstead Castle from rescuing Henry, Belle, Flynn, Butch, and Harold came to lift him back onto the rails, though they were arguing about who was the best. Thomas snapped their argument and told them that they needed to work together. They all agreed and pulled Rocky back onto the tracks.

One summer, she and Flynn were busy putting out fires caused by the boiling summer weather. They came across a stretch of buckled track, where Flynn suggested that Belle pour water on the rails to prevent further buckling, though Belle decided to keep her remaining water in case they came across another fire. This decision came back to bite her, as she later derailed on the buckled tracks while responding to an emergency. Luckily, Flynn was able to extinguish the fire and Thomas brought Rocky to put her back on the rails.


Belle is a bold, big, blue, tomboy tank engine, who is fitted with two water cannons atop her tanks, from which she can shoot water to fight fires. She also has a whistle and a big, brassy bell. Belle is lively, loud, and proud, with a big personality. While she may come across as bolshy, highly self-assertive, and overwhelming, Belle will always have the best of intentions at heart. She always wants to do her best and be the best she can be, causing her to be daring, energetic, tomboyish, and bursting with enthusiasm. But Belle is happy to talk to any engine or vehicle and, although she may be quick to jump in with her own ideas, always tries to understand, help, and be kind to others. As a result, she is a very likable engine, so much so that even Cranky gets on with her. She gets on well with Thomas and can even hold a civil conversation with Diesel, but she works especially well with Flynn, when helping him to tackle fires and is always there to support him should he make a mistake. Although fighting fires is always high on her list of priorities, Belle has also been known to perform goods duties about the railway.


Belle is a British Railways Standard Class 4 tank engine with added water cannons, brass bell, and electric headlamps on her bufferbeam and above her face.


Belle is painted royal blue with red and brass fittings. She has the number 6120 painted in gold and a crest consisting of a flame, two dolphins, and a crown painted on her sides. Her wheels are red with blue rims.


  • Belle's name is French for "pretty", and references the bell on her boiler.
  • Despite being voiced by the same actress in both dubs, Teresa Gallagher gives Belle an American accent in the US dub as opposed to her British accent in the UK dub. She is the first character to be in this situation with the second character being James starting in the twenty first series.
  • The idea of Belle fitted with water canons likely came from some of the LBSC D1s wearing firefighting equipment as they wore them to cope with bomb attacks at London’s main motive power depots during World War 2.


Percy: "I've never seen an engine do that before!"

Thomas: "Yes, one that shoots water from her tanks!" Belle: "You must be Thomas and Percy. I'm Belle!" Percy: "You're big, Belle!" Thomas: "You're brave, Belle!" Belle: "I just want to be really useful!"

~ Belle meets Thomas and Percy, "Day of the Diesels"
Flynn: "Belle, you've already put out the fire. Why didn't you wait for me? I could've helped you!"

Belle: "Fires are emergencies, Flynn. You know that. You can't wait if there's an emergency." Narrator: But Flynn was disappointed again! Belle: "Never mind, Flynn. It wasn't a very big fire." Flynn: "What you mean is you didn't need any help. You did it all by yourself!"

~ Flynn gets jealous of Belle, "Too Many Fire Engines", seventeenth season.


           T&FLogo Heroes

Steam Team
Thomas the Tank Engine | Nia the Kenyan Engine | Rebecca | Gordon the Big Engine | James the Red Engine | Percy the Small Engine | Emily the Stirling Engine

Engines & Diesels
Edward the Blue Engine | Henry the Green Engine | Toby the Tram Engine | Duck the Great Western Engine | Donald and Douglas | Oliver the Great Western Engine | Diesel | Arry and Bert | Bill and Ben the Tank Engine Twins | Daisy the Diesel Railcar | BoCo the Diesel Engine | Bear | Mavis | Neville | Stepney the Bluebell Engine | Lady | Salty the Dockside Diesel | Harvey the Crane Engine | Arthur | Murdoch | Spencer | Fergus the Railway Traction Engine | Molly the Yellow Engine | Whiff | Billy | Stanley the Silver Engine | Hiro | Bash and Dash the Logging Loco Twins | Ferdinand the Logging Loco | Belle | Flynn the Fire Engine | Den and Dart | Paxton | Norman | Sidney the Forgetful Diesel | Stephen the "Rocket" | Caitlin | Connor | Flying Scottsman | Gator | Marion | Timothy | Glynn the Coffee Pot Engine | Ryan | Skiff | Ashima | Frieda | Gina | Raul the Brazilian Engine | Yong Bao | Carlos | Axel | Shane the Australian Engine | Rajiv the Indian Engine | Merlin | Lexi | Theo | Philip | Skarloey | Rheneas | Sir Handel | Peter Sam | Rusty the Little Diesel | Duncan the Narrow Gauge Engine | Duke the Lost Engine | Freddie | Victor | Luke | Millie the French Engine | Patrick | Mike the Strong Red Engine | Rex the Small Railway Engine | Bert the Miniature Gauge Engine | Jock the New Engine | Frank | Dustin

Non Rail Vehicles
Terence the Tractor | Bertie the Bus | Trevor the Traction Engine | Kelly the Crane | Jack the Front Loader | Alfie | Oliver the Excavator | Cranky the Crane | Kevin | Harold the Helicopter | Butch the Breakdown Vehicle | Byron the Bulldozer | Captain | Carly | Big Mickey | Colin | Captain

Sir Topham Hatt | Lady Hatt | Dowager Hatt | Sir Robert Norramby | Mr. Conductor | Mr. Percival | Junior | Jenny Packard | Stacy Jones | Burnett Stone | Lily Stone | Horace Schemer

Judy and Jerome | Rocky
