Beorn is the character of The Hobbit. In Jackson's film he's portrayed by Mikael Persbrandt
He is a great warrior, who can turn into a bear. In 2941, he gives shelter, to Thorin Oakenshield and his company. Despite his hatred towards Dwarves, he still helps them, because he hates orks even more. Later, he partakes it The Battle Of Five Armies. In the book version, he saved Thorin from orks, despite the latter being mortally wounded. In the book version, he also kills Bolg (who in the film version was killed by Legolas). After the war, he ruled his people for a while before being dead. He was succeeded by his son Grimbeorn.
In his human form, he's a tall, black-haired man with huge arms and a great beard. In his bear form, he's a large bear.
Beorn is a rather controversial character. On the one hand, he clearly doesn't like gnomes. In the film he says "I don't like dwarves. They are greedy and blind. They don't value those who are weaker than them." But he doesn't like orcs even more. For example, in the book he tore apart an orc and a warg. Also in the film, Gandalf says that “as long as he is a man (that is, until he turns into a bear), you can negotiate with him.” Also, Beorn is shown to be a brave warrior. He participates in the Battle of the Five Armies. In the book, it was he who killed Bolg (and not Legolas, as in the film). Although the film did not fully reveal his participation in the Battle of the Five Armies, it is nevertheless clearly visible that he participated there. The film also reveals that he attended Thorin's funeral when he died in battle. It is implied that he mourned his death. Beorn loves animals and never eats meat. Moreover, in the book, Gandalf warns Bilbo not to use words like fur coat or carpet in Beorn's presence.