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Bes is a dwarf deity from ancient Egypt who is a protector households he also protects women and children. His female counterpart is Beset his wife.


Bes is an Egyptian dwarf god who is worshipped as a protector his female counterpart Beset who is also his wife has the same role as her husband. As the protector of household, women and children he protected from evil spirits. He was worshipped in both upper and lower Egypt.

While all the other Egyptian deities appeared in profile images Bes on the other hand appeared in full face portraits. As a protector statues of Bes were placed in many homes across Egypt to keep evil spirits away. While many other Egyptian deities were symbols of war, water, weather, music, dancing, harvest, wealth, fate, medicine, healing, celebration, the sun, the moon and many other things Bes however was a god of protection. Aside from statues and portraits of Bes symbols of the dwarf god was also be found on amulets, bottles, furniture, jugs and many other things.

Much like the other Egyptian deities it is believed that the worship of Bes spread to other parts of the world. Bes' wife Beset played a similar role as her husband in Egyptian mythology she also served as a protector as well.
