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Whatever life holds in store for me, I will never forget these words: "With great power comes great responsibility."

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Let my brothers deal with these fools, I only care about Drago!
~ Betadron

Betadron is a former antagonist in Mechtaminum surge. He is the leader of the Nonets trapped in the Doom dimension. He looks out for his kind whenever possible.


Betadron first appeared alongside Kodokor, Mutabrid, Worton, Balista, Spatterix, Stronk, and Tremblar, trapped in the deepest part of the Doom Dimension. Finding out that Coredegon, Slycerak, Exostriker, and Mandibor can survive without their host and learning from the mysterious Wiseman that Drago is the descendent of the Bakugan who trapped him, Betadron and his allies join Wiseman to take down Drago.

Betadron appears with the Darkus Nonets on Earth, saying how Earth is nothing special and grabbing the attention of Dan Kuso Shun Kazami, and Marucho Marukura. They throw out Radizen, Jaakor, and Drago to combat the Nonets, and after a short fight, he and his brothers summoned the evil Mechtogan along with the other Nonets. Betadron and the Nonets ending up losing, as Mechtavius Destroyer was defeated.

The next day, he fought against Drago and Reptak alongside Kodokor and Mutabrid. They later combined into Gliderak but were later defeated when Drago and Reptak formed Aeroblitz.

He is later shown arguing with Wiseman over their failures and getting mocked by the other nonets.

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           Bakugan LOGO Heroes

Main Heroes
Dan Kuso | Marucho Marukura | Shun Kazami | Julie Makimoto | Runo Misaki | Alice Gehabich | Mira Clay | Baron Leltoy | Ace Grit | Spectra Phantom | Gus Grav | Jake Vallory | Fabia Sheen | Paige | Rafe | Ren Krawler

Secondary Heroes
Player (Bakugan Battle Brawlers) | Player (Defenders of the Core) | Player (Dimensions) | Player (Champions of Vestroia) | Dr. Michael Gehabich | Joe Brown | JJ Dolls | Nene | Akira | Shuji | Chan Lee | Billy Gilbert | Julio Santana | Komba O'Charlie | Klaus von Hertzon | Masqerade | Prince Hydron | Christopher | Gunz Lazar | Team Anubias | Team Sellon | Zenet Surrow | Jesse Glenn | Lena Isis | Mason Brown | Ben | Robin | Jack Punt | Noah | Chris | Soon | Castle Knights | Jin | Dylan | Serena Sheen | Captain Elright | Linus Claude | Code Eve | Kato | Nurzak

Drago | Tigrerra | Preyas | Skyress | Gorem | Hydranoid | Nemus | Wilda | Mock Dragonoid | Preyas Angelo | Leonidas | Rubanoid | Elfin | Cycloid | Harpus | Tentaclear | Fourtress | Scorpio | Baliton | Piercian | Falcon Fly | Tripod Epsilon | Hylash | Shadow Wing | Wontu | Infinity Trister | Boulderon | Wolfurio | Ingram | Taylean | Avior | Linehalt | Coredem | Akwimos | Hawktor | Aranaut | Percival | Wavern | Sirenoid | Juggernoid | Falconeer | Serpenoid | Ravenoid | Helios | Vulcan | Scraper | Klawgor | Foxbat | Fencer | Leefram | Spindle | Dark Hound | Grakas Hound | Grafias | Brachium | Spitarm | Spyderfencer | Betadron | Worton | Accelerak | Thorak | Flytris | Sabator | Zenthon | Silent Strike | Zenthon Titan | Faser Titan | Slynix | Vexfist | Swift Sweep | Chromopod | Spidaro | Clawsaurus | Aerogan | Neo Ziperator | Raptorix | Nova Lion | Reptak | Jaakor | Skytruss | Orbeum | Radizen | Roxtor | Amazon | Genesis Dragonoid | Tricloid | Rabeeder | Contestir | Plitheon | Phosphos | Rubanoid | Ziperator Force | Dragonoid Destroyer | Dragonoid Colossus

Six Ancient Warriors
Apollonir | Frosch | Oberus | Clayf | Lar Lion | Exedra
